
JAKARTA - Maintaining eye health will be better if it starts as early as possible, namely at the age of two to 18 years of children. This is because the development of the child's eyes at that age is very fast.

"Therefore, it is important for all of us to maintain a balanced nutritional intake for children in order to maintain the health of their eyes," said Dante, Deputy Health Minister Dante Saksono Harbuwono in a webinar on World Sports Day some time ago.

This molucular diabetes expert also provides easy advice to do to maintain eye health by immediately checking the eyes and don't wait for any complaints of visual impairment so that there is no permanent blindness.

"Ophess examination is important as a form of early detection so that eye disorders found can be immediately corrected and there is no permanent blindness," he said.

In addition, it also limits the use of gadgets using the 20-20-20 method, which stops every 20 minutes by looking at a distance of 20 feet or six meters for 20 seconds, and avoiding direct sun exposure is also a solution to avoid eye damage.

"Excessive sunlight can increase the risk of visual impairment. Therefore, avoid seeing the sun directly by wearing the hat of another eye shield when outside," said Dante.

To improve eye health services, the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) has increased access to create Vision Center programs in all First Level Health Facilities (FKKTP).

"The Vision Center program at FKTP is expected to improve access to quality eye health services for the community, from early detection to follow-up according to indications," said Deputy Health Minister Dante Saksono Harbuwono in an online webinar for World Sports Day which was followed online in Jakarta, Thursday.

Dante also emphasized three important things to improve eye health services, namely affordable services, available and easily accessible to the public, as well as increasing the integration of eye health services in every primary health facility.

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