
JAKARTA - During the COVID-19 pandemic, the habit of washing hands was encouraged in the community. Now the World Health Organization (WHO) is considering the status of the COVID-19 pandemic to be endemic. However, the oncologist Prof. dr. Zubairi Djoerban, Sp.PD-KHOM reminded that the habit of washing hands deserves to be maintained.

"Currently WHO is considering entering the endemic period with several conditions. Indonesia has also started making various preparations to enter the endemic period," Zubairi said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, October 17.

"However, the Indonesian people must continue to carry out health protocols until Indonesia is declared free from the pandemic, one of which is regular hand washing," he added.

Furthermore, the man who is the Head of the COVID-19 Task Force (Satgas) of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) said that routine hand washing is expected to minimize the dynamic development and mutation of the virus.

"This is because the development and mutation of the virus is increasingly diverse. The habit of washing hands must continue to be done so that it can save many lives," he said.

On the other hand, dr. Citra Amelinda, SpA, IBCLC, MKes., said both adults and children must apply health protocols and a healthy lifestyle, one of which is by diligently washing hands and bathing regularly.

According to Citra, parents, especially mothers, must prepare their family's hygiene needs very selectively because children have different hygiene needs from adults.

"Children's hygiene needs are different from adults because their skin is still very sensitive. Parents, especially mothers, must be very selective in maintaining the health and hygiene of their children's hands as well as in choosing hand soap products," said Citra.

She continued, mothers should be able to choose products that are not only intensive against germs, viruses, and bacteria, but also can provide extra protection such as moisturizing the skin so that skin diseases do not arise in children due to irritation.

Meanwhile, the health and hygiene brand Biodef recently collaborated with the Indonesian General Physician Association (PDUI) on World Handwashing Day which this year has the theme "United for Universal Hand Hygiene".

Biodef itself is the first natural antiseptic soap from Paragon Halal Laboratories, which is made from two natural active ingredients, namely Mentha Piperita Essence as a natural antiseptic and Natural Glycerin which functions to moisturize the skin.

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