
YOGYAKARTA Body protection against pain. Because avoiding pain we tend to receive warnings that trigger reflexion of potential harm. The mechanism is like hunger and thirst, before feeling it we make action plans to avoid that feeling.

pathological pain or pain is associated with emotional, cognitive, and social components. According to Shahram Hesmat, Ph.D., professor of emeritus at Universitas Illinois Springfield was reported by Psychology Today, Sunday, October 16, here are the trigger psychological factors related to the sensitivity to pain.

Fear and anxiety about pain can explain how much pain we feel. Emotional reactions to pain, including anxiety, fear, and frustration, often trigger a response how if it will make the pain worse. It will only subside when we feel safe.

According to Hesmat, paying more attention to the sensation of pain can increase the intensity of pain. The process begins when the pain disturbs the attention and forces them to focus on their bodies. So that pain is considered a threat, the body is more vigilant, and urgent to overcome the pain.

The pain stimulus is processed cognitively to interpret what it means. This cognitive process explains why sometimes feel light pain or serious injury.

Avoidance of pain stems from fear of pain. This avoidance can initially be useful for helping the healing process. But it can change to worsen pain.

The subjective experience of pain is largely formed by our expectations. Sometimes, this produces predictions that are as expected but can also be the other way around. This is called a placebo effect for pain therapy without side effects.

Love emotions can reduce the perception of pain. Love, makes a person feel safer and relieve pain. For example, people spend most of their day thinking about their romantic partner to reduce pain.

Music activates award areas in the brain and relieves pain. Music expresses excitement that triggers positive memories and can affect the mood. Music also affects the brain's ability to handle pain. So listening to music can be fun, runs faster, and distracts from pain.

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