
YOGYAKARTA Rainfall is starting to rise in western Indonesia today. The aspects of the lifestyle need to be adjusted to these conditions. Such as keeping your immune system from getting infected with the flu or wearing warm clothes if it's windy. In addition, rain also makes you feel softer and better to lie down, lazy, and dreamy. Do you feel it too? You are not alone, because it turns out, there is a science explanation about it.

Feelings that are gentle and a little sleepy during the day are associated with the body's biological clock and circular rhythm, reported by GreenMatters, Friday, October 14. In addition, emotional states, rain sounds, humidity levels, and low ultraviolet light contribute to the condition of the body that is comfortable to lie down.

Ritmis rain relief can cause drowsiness. This is because rain creates a rhythm called pink waves'. The rhythm is the frequency of sounds that humans can hear and distribute energy so that it may become a sleep aid.

Doesn't rainlight landscape music also help you feel calm in meditation sessions or music that helps sleep? In addition to rain, pink derau is also produced by the sound of the wind, frictional leaves, wind, and heart rate.

A 2012 study, Pink Noise: effect on complexity synchronization of brain activity and sleep consolidation, showed that pink derau reduces brain waves so effectively as a sleep aid.

In addition, research in 2011 found that the cloudy atmosphere made people more temperamental. They are easily angry at 9 percent rather than sunny weather. This is often due to lack of ultraviolet light and affects the decline of serotonin, or the hormone of happiness. In the end, rain makes you sad, sensitive, and angry easily.

The moisture during the rain is also physically tiring because of the mechanism used by the body to keep itself cold, according to Dr Michelle Drerup, Director of Behavioral Sleep Medicine at Cleveland Clinic. When it rains, it also indirectly orders someone to stay in one place so it feels tiring.

Drerup recommends getting 10,000 lux light in light therapy to make you from a good atmosphere to lie down when it rains. Other advice, do light exercise such as walking around your workplace, or your activity environment. Because according to Drrup, increased physical activity can help increase energy, as well as being important enough hydrated.

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