
JAKARTA - Nursing Practitioner for Perinatology at RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Ns. Novardian, M.Kep., Sp.Kep.An, shares a number of tips for parents to protect the skin of babies and children from irritation and injury.

The woman who is familiarly called Nova said that a number of skin problems that are prone to the baby and children include a diapers rash or irritation of the baby's skin in an area covered with diapers, then wounds due to friction, irritation from the use of plaster, to irritation from clothing.

"That's what sometimes parents don't think about. Those who are irritated because the baby is covered a lot, the clothes may not absorb sweat, causing irritation, suppression of the bed area from sweating ingredients, or sleeping on a mat and a long time ago, sometimes the application is not understood by parents," Nova explained as quoted by ANTARA.

Furthermore, Nova said, what parents need to pay attention to is how to prevent irritation and injury from the start. This can be done through the use of skin barrier protection.

"Skin barrier can be used as a precaution at the beginning, this must be introduced further. Don't wait after it gets worse and then treated," he added.

Nova continued, in addition to taking precautions with skin barriers, parents can also avoid products with fragrances and alcohol to cure wounds and skin irritation.

"There are so many ingredients that we must avoid to reduce irritation of the skin of babies and children; among them are fragrances and alcohol. This alcohol is hard, but can be used based on its concentration," said Nova.

Especially for the irritation of the diapers' rash itself, Nova said parents can replace your little one's diapers if they look wet or moist. Then, parents can clean the baby's skin with wet tissue specifically for babies and children without fragrance and alcohol. Another thing that parents need to understand is to ensure the size of the diapers used according to the baby's body.

"If the baby is premature, if parents use diapers for newborn, it will get bigger because it can cover their bodies. Adjust them with their weight and size so they don't cause abrasions on the skin," Nova said.

Next, don't forget to maintain skin moisture. Both children and adults need to wear moisturizer (lotion). According to Nova, dry skin can cause irritation.

"And don't forget to protect our baby's skin from the various risks of wearing clothes, pampers through skin barriers," said Nova.

"Protection for children and babies is important because this skin is our first barrier or protector of external matters. If the skin is not protected, children can be at risk of being infected directly or indirectly," he added.

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