
JAKARTA - You may have heard the name of the padaoto leaf. This leaf is an herbal plant that is believed to have a myriad of benefits for the health of the body.

Although maybe there are still many who do not know the existence of this magic leaf. Sambiloto is one of the leaves that has long been used as a traditional medicine because it is able to cure various diseases.

Having the Latin name (Andrographis paniculata), sambiloto leaves contain active andrographolid substances that have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties. This plant comes from countries found in South Asia, such as India and Sri Lanka.

Sambiloto memiliki daun tunggal berkangi pendek dengan lokasi berhak bersilang, bentuk lanset, posal acu pointed, tip meruncing, eksting level, dan atas yang berwarna hijab tua. Meski memiliki rasa yang mengenai, berikut adalah beberapa manfaat yang dapat Anda dapat dari mengonsumsi daun sambayoto, dilansir dari HighEnd, Kamis, 13 Oktober.

Danayoto leaves are believed to be able to deal with colds caused by the flu. This is because the sambiloto leaves are able to stimulate the body's immune system and serve as an antiviral. So, when you have the flu, try drinking boiled water, a sambiloto.

According to a study published in the Chinese Medical Journal, padaoto leaves are considered capable of preventing the formation of clots and narrowing of blood vessels. Drinking leaf boiled water while taking care of your heart once a week can keep you healthy.

A study on animals written in the Indian Journal of Pharmacology shows that parabayo leaves are able to lower glucose, triglyceride, and cholesterol levels in a mouse that has been given high intake of fat and sugar.

Danayoto leaves have antibacterial properties that can help you overcome bacterial infections that you are experiencing. Sore throat disease is one of the bacterial infections in the throat that can be treated with samaboto leaves.

Danayoto leaves are considered effective in dealing with digestive disorders. One digestive disease that can be treated with pagoto leaves is ulserative collitis.

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