
JAKARTA - October 13 is celebrated as Braless Day. This warning takes place in the middle of the month of breast cancer awareness. The habit of not wearing a bra can be done for small breast owners, so how do you still have to use a bra as a breast support?

Oncology surgeon from the University of Indonesia, dr. Farida Briani Sobri, SpB (K) Oncology, said the use of a bra with appropriate materials and size will provide the main benefits as a breast supporter.

"There is no problem with brands or colors, but choose what is comfortable, the size is appropriate because the bra is the goal of supporting it," said Farida, quoted from ANTARA, Thursday, October 13.

Women who have very large breasts will feel more comfortable when wearing a bra. Because, they can feel pain if their chest fruit is not supported by a bra.

"Because it will burden the muscles behind the breasts, the name is the pectoral muscles," he said.

He assured that bra use would not affect the emergence of skin problems or blood circulation if the material was comfortable and absorbed sweat and the size was right.

"As long as the bra is not too tight, circulation will not be disturbed," he said.

It is also important to maintain cleanliness by diligently changing the bra so as not to cause problems on the skin.

Regarding the use of a bra while sleeping, Farida said it was okay to sleep without a bra if it felt more comfortable.

"BH supports breast during activity and there is gravity so that it can carry out activities comfortably," he said.

So, it is natural for a woman to choose to sleep without a bra for the sake of comfort. However, everyone returns to each individual. There are also women who have large chests and feel more comfortable using a bra so that their breasts don't moisturize while lying down. "So there are those who are comfortable wearing a bra while sleeping," he said.

Mixed breast appearances, there are many factors that affect the shape of the breast, one of which is nutrition. Good nutrition affects ikat tissue, which maintains the anatomy structure of the breast, to make it healthier.

"When women age and the breasts are slack, more to the connect tissue has decreased," he explained.

Factors that affect include nutrition, genetics, support such as a bra, healthy lifestyle and a person's health posture. He added that pregnancy and childbirth are not determining factors that cause the breast to become loose.

"There are many people who after giving birth their breasts also remain good," he said.

In the midst of the rise of foods that are claimed to contain collagen, he said there has been no research on whether collagen intake from food will support collagen in breast braid tissue.

There is a study stating that oral collagen intake in the short and long term may affect wound healing and reduce skin aging rates. Collagen oral supplements are also said to hydrate the skin and increase elasticity.

However, no research has yet linked the intake of collagen and breast density.

"If you want to talk about breasts, the tissue that makes you drop and be upright is not just your skin, but the connective tissue that is in your skin," said Farida.

Hari Without Bra, he said, was created to encourage awareness of breast cancer. Women are invited to recognize their breasts while without a bra, check their own breasts to detect if there are symptoms that should be watched out for such as lumps or abnormal fluids from the nipples.

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