
JAKARTA - Karalyn Henry married her childhood sweetheart Justin last year, her boyfriend is happy to be a bridesmaid. And now, the three of them live in a polyamory relationship.

In an exclusive interview with Daily Star Online some time ago, the woman from the United States revealed all about her love life.

Karalyn (22) first found out that she was polyamorous when she was a teenager.

He recalled: "It happened when I was 17 years old.

"I grew up as a Christian, and being gay was not something that was talked about very positively in my family (although they think a lot differently now!).

"Growing up, when I started having crushes on boys, I would have crushes on girls too.

"It's something I got rid of for a really long time, and just don't admit it was something."

After years of denying her romantic orientation, this woman who lives in Ohio decided to talk to her boyfriend about her feelings.

When Karalyn started exploring polyamory, she felt a connection with a woman she had met online.

He started developing feelings for Lana after talking to her on the micro-blogging website Tumblr. However, since her boyfriend lives in Northern Ireland, she had to wait months to see him.

When the couple finally met in person, it was on Karalyn and Justin's wedding day a year ago.

Polyamory group (Photo: Daily Star)

"She flew for our wedding to be a bridesmaid and it was great! It was the first time we met in real life…," she said.

Initially, Lana and Karalyn enjoyed their relationship without involving Justin. But over time, the three of them soon realized that they all had feelings for each other.

Karalyn explains: "It started out as the Triad Poly V; which means that Lana and I are dating, but not Justin and him. So if you look at our relationship drawn in the diagram it would form a 'V'd' with the dot at the bottom being myself.

"However, when Lana flew in to attend our wedding, they both started liking each other, and started dating too. It turned us into regular Poly Triads."

When Lana returns to Northern Ireland after the wedding, the three of them stay together while they visit. The three of them took turns in the middle of the bed. Seeing her two partners together, holding hands, hugging - Karalyn was delighted to see them so happy.

Polyamory is not an ordinary lifestyle in society. This type of relationship has many pros and cons.

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