
YOGYAKARTA For those of you who like cats, to start adopting can generally be done after kitten or kittens are more than three months old. At that age, those of the little cats are more independent, not dependent on their parent's breast milk, and can urinate in place.

In certain seasons, it is possible to find a kitten abandoned by its parent. Generally in the breeding season or between September and March. What can be done to care for a small cat without a parent? Follow the following method.

If you listen to the sound of the kitten pantong loud and don't find its parent near it, hold it for a while. Take a distance of at least 10 meters to recognize the situation. The cat's parent, may be around his cubs. The parent won't approach if you stand too close to the nest.

Stay for a few hours from a long distance. If the cat doesn't come back, try to observe around. Make sure the kittens are protected and safe from rain, dogs, or other adult cats roaming around. Also, make sure the kittens don't nest close to the streets or crowded areas because it's dangerous enough for his life.

It is important to know, a kitten that has just been born or less than 3 months, is prone to hypothermia than starvation. That is, look back at the kittens. If the mother does not return, you need to take over taking care of a small cat without a mother.

In different conditions, or not because of the stray kitten left by the parent, ideally a kitten can be adopted at the age of 6 weeks. When you start adopting a kitten, launches Animal Alliance NYC, Tuesday, October 11, consider administering vaccines, sterilization or spay/neuter, and eartip.

If you save the kitten left by the parent, immediately make a warm place. Slowly, place it on a pillow wrapped in a towel. Or a box with a pile of cloth and place a warm bottle instead of an incubator. Do not feed the kitten until they feel warm. Because, the little cat can't digest the food well when it's cold. However, you can inject a few drops of 5 percent sugar water or apply corn tape to your lips.

Launching Kitten Rescue, it is best to take him to a veterinarian for examination of dehydration and general conditions. Young cats are always at risk of dehydration.

Beef milk is not recommended for kittens, because the content is malnourished. They can die from starvation if not replaced with other types of milk. Even cow milk makes the kitten diarrhea.

In some pet shops, they sell milk whose formula is made specifically for kittens. In addition, also prepare a breastfeeding kit. Basin includes bottles, additional dots, and a cleaning brush. Then create a 'X' hole in the dot so that the kitten easily smokes milk from the bottle.

Equipment of caring for a small cat without a mother is ready, you can provide food through bottles and dots. You do this, hold the bottle at a 45-degree angle and let the kitten smoke at its own speed. If the kitten refuses to smoke a dot, try swabging his forehead or back. This movement imitates the activities of cleaning the cat's parent and effectively stimulates the kitten to suck.

Kites must eat about 8 cc of milk per 1 ounce of their body weight per day.bang the kitten every day to calculate the amount of milk or food they need.

Kites under one week, should be fed every 2-3 hours. At the age of two weeks, they can be fed every 4-6 hours. Once they are 3 weeks old, they need to be fed every 6-8 hours. Once they are full, hold up straight on your shoulder and gently tap their back. This helps the kitten to stroke.

In addition to feeding, you also need to teach kittens to urinate in the liter box. Then do regular cleaning and control the fleas. Plus, check the cat's ears regularly, clean the dirt with cotton balls.

That's how to take care of small cats without a parent. When they are enough age, they can be given dry food or wet food for cats.

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