
YOGYAKARTA Swelling is generally caused by the body's reaction when it is injured or infected. Including the swelling of the heart, one of which is caused by an infection. Because it can trigger complications and symptoms of heart swelling are often not realized, then check the following explanation.

Symptoms of heart swelling vary, reported by the Cleveland Clinic, Tuesday, October 11. For some, heart inflammation is experienced asymptomatic. Some others, do not recognize symptoms even when experienced for a long time. The swelling rate also varies, depending on the factors and causes.

In general, heart swelling is categorized based on swollen areas. Here are the three categories of heart swelling:

Endocarditis affects the lining of the heart space that the blood and valves pass through which control blood flow from one space to another. This condition is caused by bacterial infections that infect the lining of the heart valve.

The type of swelling of the second heart, called myocarditis. Myocarditis affects the muscles that move when the heart pumps. This occurs when the heart muscle is inflamed making it more difficult to carry out its duties to pump blood.

Type three, known as pericarditis that affects the pockets around the outer part of the heart. Two layers of pericardium become thicker due to swelling so that they rub against each other's muscles.

The three types of heart swelling above, are experienced randomly. Any age person can have heart inflammation, but more often is experienced by men. The cause of heart swelling is generally experienced by someone with diabetes, eating disorders, and HIV/AIDS. What are the symptoms of heart swelling that need to be watched out for from an early age? In general, heart inflammation is recognized when experiencing the following symptoms:

In addition to being caused by bacterial infections, heart swelling can also be caused by viral attacks. Symptoms experienced, generally start with colds, coughs, and stomach problems. In more detail, this is the cause of swelling in the heart.

Those are the five causes of swelling of the heart. Heart swelling requires treatment, both mild to severe conditions. Because without treatment, inflammation can trigger complications of other diseases, such as heart failure, blood clots, abnormal heart rhythms, fainting, lung problems, and heart fluids piling up.

When experiencing the symptoms mentioned above, it is important for you to get a medical diagnosis after undergoing a test. Health service providers will perform physical examinations, record medical history, and blood tests.

After receiving the diagnosis, treatment provided by medical services include reducing the risk of a heart attack, identifying the fluid around the heart, and ensuring the heart works normally.

How to treat heart swelling, it is necessary to do it with a medical procedure. Usually, specialists will give antibiotics, corticosteroids, anti-fungal drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, heart failure drugs, and blood vessels.

To anticipate not experiencing swelling of the heart, experts recommend taking good care of your teeth and keeping your skin clean to prevent infection. In addition, avoid excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and take recreational drugs.

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