
YOGYAKARTA Habits to eat correlated with mental health. A nutritionist says that going on a diet or healthy diet can help improve mood.

According to nutritionists, a diet of reactions and chemical processes in the body will affect your mental health. The key, don't focus on other goals other than mentally healthy, including weight loss. Reported by The Health, Friday, October 7, Kitty Braither, MS., RD., LD., says that forcing yourself and reducing food portions without a round consciousness can put a person in a negative frame of mind.

So what are the habits of eating good food for mental health? Here's a brief review of this.

The diet turns out to be departing from the mindset as well. When considering what you get from food, then a person is not only physically healthy but also mentally. According to Braithier, this is a positive thought that supports you to the end. That way, you don't feel 'punished' when you have to eat more vegetables and fruits than meat or processed foods.

Fruits and vegetables, even fruit juices, have proven to be beneficial for mental health positively, such as affecting quality sleep, life satisfaction, mood, creativity, self-esteem, stress, anxiety, symptoms of depression, and overall mental well-being.

Most people know that eating lots of fruit and vegetables is good for us, said Braihier. Vegetables and fruits provide nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber and water. This is involved in many reactions and chemical processes in our bodies that support brain function. Including providing beneficial microbiomes or bacteria in the intestines.

Feed the gut properly, it is important to maintain brain health. Because the gut and brain are directly related in the system of the computer and central nerve tissue. Research shows that digestive tract disorders can change the gut's relationship and affect mood, cognition, and mental health negatively.

Colorful foods contain a variety of phytonutrients, which research says are related to cognitive improvements. These include memory, mood, and executive functions in carrying out tasks related to mental intelligence in everyday life.

A study found that eating as many as 30 different types of plants a week produces a variety of gut microbiomes. That is, the body has various healthy bacteria that are beneficial for digestion, and in turn mental well-being.

In addition to fruits and vegetables, research shows that regularly eating fish can improve mental health and reduce the risk of dementia. Lipid and essential fatty acids in fish, are shown to reduce depression, prevent mental, and cognitive decline. Foods that are good for mental health, especially fish, include salmon, herring, anchovies, sardines, and mackerel.

According to a review by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, an anti-inflammatory diet means including a number of foods in the daily menu. Among them, are nuts, seeds, legumes, and olive oil. This type of good food for mental health contains omega-3 fatty acids that reduce symptoms of depression and the risk of neurological diseases, such as dementia.

Those are the five habits of eating good food for mental health. Is the list above included in your daily habits?

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