
JAKARTA - In the use of skin care products or skincare, there are terms pursuit and breakout which are often misinterpreted by cosmetic users and other beauty products.

Dermatologist and genital dr. Arini Widodo, Sp.KK, said that purging is a reaction that occurs on the skin when using a care product before reaching the desired result.

While the breakout, is a reaction of skin discrepancy to the care products used in the form of acne or irritation.

"If the location is prone, he will get out even more. If there was a breakout that didn't have acne before, there would be acne, what was previously nothing, so there was nothing," said dr. Arini quoted from ANTARA, Friday, October 7th.

Furthermore, dr. Arini said skin care products containing retinol or AHA-BHA are likely to have a purging effect.

This is very natural, because the skin is cleaning itself. According to dr. Arini, acne and irritation will disappear on their own in a relatively short time.

However, some skin care products such as face oil, especially those containing avocado oil, can cause breakouts or discrepancies.

This is marked by the worsening of the appearance of acne and irritation so that the use of these products must be stopped immediately.

"Purging is a process so the output of blackheads and acne will soon disappear. Breakout will never stop, the longer it gets worse," he said.

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