
YOGYAKARTA Garlic is a single garlic that only has one clove. This Bawang has many names ranging from solo garlic or single love garlic. In addition to being used for food spices, single onions also have health benefits for the body.

These properties are associated with substances contained in onions such as protein, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins, and much more.

In Indonesia, single onions are a mixture of traditional medicine for both external and internal medicines. Here are the benefits of single onions that you can get complete by processing them.

Onion can be a good means of detok the body because it contains antioxidant compounds. According to the journal Digital Press Life Sciences 2 it is said that to maintain the antioxidant compound in single onions, the way to process it is fermentation. It is highly not recommended to cut or destroy the single onion because it will change the antioxidant compound.

Quoted from Halohat, in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine it is said that ethanol extract in single garlic mamou reduces liver toxicity so that it helps liver function properly.

Single onions can also slow down bacterial infections in humans so that there are no more severe infections in the wound. The method of processing is fermentation or it can also be by taking the oil and applying it to the skin infected with bacteria.

If you have a cough and a cold, try using a single garlic to relieve it. Onion is also able to strengthen your immune system. How to process it is to destroy garlic, then soak in a glass of water. Drink onion water regularly so that the benefits can work optimally.

Swelling because gout can be mixed with single garlic because it can become anti-inflammatory. To get this properties, you don't need to do processing, just get garlic extract at the nearest pharmacy.

High blood or hypertension can be suppressed with single garlic because the content of sulfur which is able to trigger endotelium production and has an effect on relaxation. The way to process it to get relaxation is to eat an onion water bath or rub onions to the point that needs to be relaxed.

This type of Onion is also antiseptic, helping to kill germs or bacteria that trigger pain in the teeth. To suppress pain when you have a toothache, simply place the onions into the cavities of the tooth. You can also slowly chew the onions. You can also gargling with onion water.

In the research published in NCBI, it was stated that single garlic extract contains very high antioxidants levels compared to ordinary garlic. These compounds help reduce the risk of developing cancer. To get this benefit, you can process it by eating single onions regularly.

If you experience fungal problems in the skin, a single onion can be the solution. This can happen because of the Allicin substance which is anti-traditional and antibacterial. To deal with mold on the skin, the way to process it is to cut onions and rub onions on the skin.

That's information about the benefits of single garlic. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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