
YOGYAKARTA High blood pressure is characterized by Sistolic blood pressure above 130 mm/Hg and diastolic blood pressure of more than 80 mm/Hg. This disease, needs to be overcome by changing a healthier lifestyle, including eating healthy foods.

A total of 1 billion people worldwide have high blood pressure. This means that undergoing a nutritious and healthy diet is highly recommended so as not to worsen heart health. Launching Healthline, Tuesday, October 4, people with high blood pressure are recommended to consume foods that contain nutrients. Specifically, it contains potassium and magnesium which are known to reduce blood pressure levels. What are healthy foods for high blood pressure? Here's the list.

There are various types of oranges, including lemon oranges, Balinese, mandarin oranges, and others. Consumption of oranges has the potential to lower blood pressure. A study conducted on 101 Japanese women, shows the intake of lemon juice every day combined with walking significantly correlated with lower blood pressure.

According to the researchers, the good effect of citrus fruit is due to citric acid content and lemon flavonoids. But it should be noted that oranges and Balinese can interfere with the effectiveness of blood pressure reduction drugs. This means that it is necessary to consume no after taking medication.

Lobak, especially the swiss loan, is a good green vegetable to balance blood pressure. In one cup of turnip, or 145 grams of maturerades, give potassium 17 percent and 30 percent magnesium. When consuming turnip every 0.6 grams, according to research, it can lower the blood pressure of the systolic 1.0 mm/Hg and diastolic pressure by 0.52 mm/Hg.

Yellow or pumpkin labs have been shown to control blood pressure because they contain magnesium, potassium, arginin, and amino acids. Especially if you consume kuing shrubs, it can be a cure for lowering blood pressure. You can also use granulated seed oil as an alternative supplement.

Berry is associated with various health benefits. The potential of the first berries reduces the risk factors of heart disease, including lowering high blood pressure.

Berries associated with lower blood pressure effects include blueberries, raspberries, chokeberries, cloudberries, and strawberries. All of them contain anthocine which is shown to increase levels of nitric oxide in the blood. This content reduces the production of blood vessel barrier molecules so that blood pressure decreases.

Sweet, crunchy, and nutritious Carrots can be processed into daily dishes. Carrots are rich in phenolic compounds, such as chlorogenic acid, p-coum mucus, and cumulic which help relax blood vessels and reduce inflammation. In addition, carrots also help lower blood pressure. To be more effective in lowering blood pressure, carrots are advised to eat raw.

These vegetables are very popular as lowering blood pressure. Because they contain phthalides compounds, celery helps lower blood pressure and relax blood vessels.

bits are very nutritious because they are high in nitrics, whose function helps lower blood pressure. Some studies show, adding juice or dishes from bitfruit to diet, can help manage healthy blood pressure.

Those are the seven healthy foods for high blood pressure. Register above, you can enter it in your daily menu list.

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