
YOGYAKARTA Public knowledge of male contraceptives is still minimal. Some people think that men's only contraceptives are condoms. Though there are many types of contraception that can be an option.

Using contraceptives will help couples delay pregnancy so that they can plan it more carefully. In addition, contraception is also useful for preventing the transmission of diseases caused by sexual intercourse, to supporting family planning programs. Then, what contraception can be used by men?

So far, condoms have become a very popular contraceptive tool in the community. Condoms work by coating the penis as well as storing sperm. These contraceptives are widely available in the market, even sold in minimarkets at prices below Rp50,000.

The advantage of using condoms is that it is easy to use and disposable. In addition, the effectiveness of condoms to prevent pregnancy is quite high with the record being used properly.

Lack of use of condoms is related to its effectiveness. If the use of condoms is wrong then pregnancy can occur. In addition, condoms can be torn when a man has sex.

Vasektomi is one of the options for contraception for men. This contraception is still foreign to the ears of the general public even though this method is very effective in preventing pregnancy from men.

In general, the vasektomy works by removing sperm in its semen so that when sperm meets the egg, there is no fertilization.

Quoted from Hellosehat, the way to do a vasektomy is for the surgeon to punch the patient's testicles and then pull the vasse channel or sperm distribution channel. The channel is cut and then closes the end. After being covered, the doctor will sew back the testicles.

Excessive contraception of vasektomy is very effective in preventing pregnancy. In addition, male testosterone levels will not be disturbed, nor will sex drive, erectile, orgasm, and ejaculation. Men can actually have sexual relations such as biasanaya.

Although very effective, the vasektomi has a shortage. For example, men will feel the effects of the surgical process being carried out such as bleeding, infection, and postoperative discomfort. However, this can be overcome with the help of drugs.

Vaccination costs are also varied from expensive to affordable, some even provide free vaccines. The public can consult a urologist. The surgical process is also approximately 1 hour.

Maybe some people think that contraceptives are only for women. Even though men can also take contraceptives. It's just that there are some differences between the two.

The male contraception pill contains peptides that will stop the movement of sperm so that it does not reach the egg. In addition, this pill was taken before having sex.

The advantage of male contraceptives is that it is very practical because it works from within by preventing the movement of sperm cells. In addition, when the pill will not affect fertility. After men stop taking pills, the possibility of fertilization returns to its original state.

While the drawback is that the effectiveness of the pill is still being tested. One of the KB pills being tested is Gendarussa which was made by scientists from Airlangga University of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Bambang Prajogo.

Other male contraceptives are spermicides, which are tools in the form of observant, cream, or foam that contain sperm buildup chemicals. This tool is used by applying it into the vagina before penetration so that the sperm that comes out is dammed by the spermide until the cell dies. Some people use it by smearing spermicles on the penis's head.

The advantage of using spermicides is practical because it's just a matter of spending it on the penis.

However, Spermicides also have many shortcomings, namely those related to their effectiveness which only reaches around 21 percent.

Those are some male contraceptives that can be tried to prevent the fertilization of eggs and prevent pregnancy. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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