
YOGYAKARTA Awareness of emotional mental disorders among the Indonesian people should be considered. Unfortunately the lack of education makes issues about mental health aside.

The public is still identifying mental disorders as a state of mental disorder that must be brought to mental hospitals. Of course, this assumption is not appropriate considering that mental disorders have even more complex meanings. As an educational step, here is a summary of understanding, triggers, and signs of mental disorders.

In general, mental health disorders or also known as mental illnes are conditions where the psyche experiences disorders that have an impact on mood, thought, behavior, and physical health.

Idaiani, S., Suhardi, S., & Kristanto, A. Y. in Analysis of Symptoms of Indonesian People's Emotional Mental Disorders published in the Journal of Medicine Indonesia said that Emotional mental disorders are circumstances that indicate that individuals experience emotional changes that can develop into pathological conditions.

This situation must certainly be handled properly so that the condition of mental health is maintained so that it does not have an impact on his mentality and health.

Mental disorders can trigger problems in everyday life involving themselves or their environment. Mental disorders will change brain systems until they have difficulty thinking clearly, it is difficult to identify emotions so that their behavior will change.

Mental disorders can be caused by many things. Some people experience disorders in their emotional mental state due to childhood emotional traumatic events such as family violence or events that shake their mentality.

In addition, emotional stress can also trigger emotional disorders. Pressure can be obtained from anywhere, ranging from the family environment, work environment, friendship environment, and so on.

Quoted from Alodokter, mental disorders are related to biological and psychological factors. Biological factors or called organic mental disorders are related to nerve cell function disorders in the brain, infections such as Streptococcus bacteria, congenital disorders, brain injury, NAPZA abuse, and much more.

While psychological factors such as traumatic events, the emergence of feelings triggered by external factors in the psyche such as the loss of parents, divorce, loneliness, inferior, and so on.

Symptoms of a person experiencing a mental disorder cannot be seen clearly. In-depth observation is needed by psychologists or professional assistance. However, in general, a person's symptoms of mental disorders are as follows.

It should be noted that to find out the symptoms of a mental disorder, an expert must do it. You are not advised to do self-diagnosis.

There are some of the most common mental disorders experienced by people such as depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or OCD, to Post-Trauma Stress (PTSD).

Although both physically attacking, the treatment carried out in each disorder is different. Once again, the role of psychologists is very important to deal with mental health disorders.

Apart from emotional mental disorders, get other interesting information by visiting VOI.ID.

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