
JAKARTA - Sad news came from singer Mayangsari. The mother, Nyi Larasatun, reportedly died on Tuesday, September 27, 2022 in Purwekerto.

Reportedly, the mother died on Jalan Kalibenal, Karangpucung Village, South Purwekerto at 16.10 WIB.

Launching various sources, the mother died due to a stroke. He has been undergoing treatment for a long time in Purwekerto.

Mayangsari herself has never shared her mother's condition with the public. Likewise today, Mayangsari has not announced this sad news through her social media.

Nyi Larasatun was buried at the Tipar Kranji TPU, Purwekerto today, Wednesday, September 28. Mayangsari also attended a funeral with her husband, Bambang Triatmojo.

Meanwhile, Nyi Laratun died at the age of 78 years.

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