
YOGYAKARTA - The movement of the fetus in the womb is enough to make pregnant women feel happy because they can feel the life of the baby. Even though the mother has to endure various bodily complaints during pregnancy. Signs of fetal movement before delivery will be increasingly felt by pregnant women.

Childbirth is a woman's struggle. Ahead of delivery, it turns out that babies also make natural preparations to be born into the world. The baby or fetus will make certain movements as a mechanism to facilitate the birth.

Signs of Fetal Movement Before Childbirth

Pregnant women can feel the signs of fetal movement before delivery. The movements made by the baby in the womb are a growth process to adapt to welcome the new environment.

The following are the signs of a fetus that will be born that can be felt clearly by pregnant women.

Baby Starts Down

By the time the baby is born, pregnant women will feel the position of the baby starting to fall. Even babies make downward movements for several weeks before delivery. However, the declining position will be more visible at the time of birth.

The position of the baby who decreases or is lower on the stomach makes it difficult for pregnant women to walk until they have heartburn. If you experience this condition, it means the baby is already in the pelvis.

Breathing Exercises

Another sign of fetal movement leading up to labor is breathing exercises. Babies practice breathing as a form of adaptation to the new environment. The movement the baby does when this condition is by inhaling the amniotic fluid in his nose and mouth.

Pregnant women do not need to worry about this condition because it is the natural mechanism of the baby's respiratory system. If pregnant women experience frequent contractions, it indicates the baby is practicing breathing.


The next sign of fetal movement leading up to birth is the fluctuating heart rate. So not only pregnant women who experience heart conditions up and down, but babies also experience the same thing.

Pregnant activity and rest determine the increase and decrease in heart rate. Before delivery, the doctor will check the condition of the baby's heartbeat. Fluctuations are considered safe if they range from 110-160 beats per minute.

Baby Moves Head

The fetus before birth will move its head. This movement is the baby's natural system for applying pressure to the cervix. At this time, the cervix will begin to enlarge. Movement of the fetal head is quite crucial as the opening of the baby's birth canal.

Hearing Is More Sensitive

The baby's sense of hearing has begun to be active and developed while in the womb. One of the signs of fetal movement before birth is the increased hearing of the baby. Babies in the womb can hear more clearly to sounds.

Therefore, pregnant women or parents are advised to often communicate with the fetus since it is still in the womb. Communication and interaction with the fetus will make the baby get the preferences of his parents.

In addition, babies have also started to learn the language of communication. A study has also shown that babies can distinguish their mother tongue better than any other language they have never heard of while in the womb.

Loss of Protector

The fetus in the womb is covered with amniotic fluid. At the time of delivery, the amniotic fluid changes. The amniotic fluid that has been covering the baby will break, so that the baby's protection is reduced.

That's a sign of fetal movement before delivery that can be felt by pregnant women. Pregnant women must always maintain a diet, rest portions, and positive thoughts, to facilitate the delivery process.

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