
YOGYAKARTA After a long walk, your feet feel heavy, sore, and a bit tired. foot stretching can help overcome it. Tightening, both to deal with muscle tensions and to relax muscle fiber.

How to deal with sore feet after a long walk, can be reduced with the following five simple yoga movements.

This first movement is one of the best ways to increase blood flow and stimulate lymphatic systems. Launching Lifesavvy, Tuesday, September 27, this movement can also help break down lactic acid.

Tightening for a sore leg, done by taking the position lying in front of the wall. Then lift both feet up. Do this position for five minutes. If this is too heavy, you can lift your feet up the chair to relax your calf. This will provide the same benefits as the first movement above.

You can use the base for this second movement. To do this, sit on the floor with straight feet. Piles of the body's core on the buttocks, thighs, and thighs. Then, stretch both legs wide to the right and left with the same support. While doing this movement, take a deep breath and push your hand onto the floor. This helps the spine stretch and vertically straight.

Repeat this movement until the back curls forward. Relax body and head while doing so. This movement, can be done for two minutes to overcome sore legs and the body is tense.

This leg tightening can start with a runner's lunge on the right and place the right-footed dry bone straight with your left-foot dry bone. Lower your left knee and improve position by sliding the right shin into the most comfortable position. Hamstring and flexor will work in this position.

Take a lying position to start the next stretch. Bend your knees, close to the chest, and hug tightly so that you feel your back relaxed attached to the floor. Holding your feet from the inside and pushing your feet to the right and left palms touching. This position can be done for one minute, then relaxing your legs.

How to deal with sore legs after the next long walk, with a Ragdoll pose movement. This movement is quite easy to do, using only gravity to help stretch your legs.

Start standing with your feet open as wide as your hips. Slowly curl your body forward until your back curls down. Hold your right and left elbows and bend your knees if you need them to maintain balance.

Watch the side to the side gently and let the head stay relaxed. Do this movement for one minute and then the sense of aches will decrease.

That's the fifth way to deal with sore feet after a long walk with a simple stretch. The above tightening can be done at home after activities. If possible, the Ragdoll pose movement can be done while you are in the office.

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