
Being in an unhealthy romantic relationship will always make you feel anxious and afraid. The presence of a partner is not happy and peaceful, it actually makes life uneasy. Getting out of a relationship like this is not an easy thing to take into account carefully. Because, maybe your partner not only threatens you, but also the people around you, including office colleagues.

Launching the Very Well Mind website, Friday, September 23, you can take these 7 steps so that the process feels easier:

Because you don't know the real story, you may be the one the family will blame when leaving their partner. No need for details, but at least the family knows the reason you decided to end the relationship. Ask for their support and prepare them with the worst-case scenario, for example, will get terror from your partner.

If you have a good job with a good salary too, financially you will be able to stand on your own feet. Financial independence is a freeway for freedom. Because, you cannot be threatened by your partner in such matters. If you are not financially independent, make sure first that your savings are sufficient to finance yourself.

Toxic people can be so anxious and manipulate your emotions, that you change your mind and come back to them. Therefore, once you decide to be completely free from your partner, don't communicate with him anymore. Except, if you both have children and need to talk about things related to parenting. In addition, don't be provoked to reply to his message.

For those of you who are married, plan on how you will live after leaving the house. Have you determined where to live? What things will you bring? Don't just leave the house spontaneously. Plan in detail, especially if you already have children. You need to make sure your child can go to school safely and live in a safe environment.

Toxic relationships can leave deep inner trauma and wounds. It takes time and effort for you to choose. From a circle of friends, look for counselors, marriage consultants, or psychologists who have experience in dealing with relationship issues. If you are married, the help of a lawyer will be very necessary.

If you feel threatened, don't hesitate to report your partner's actions to the police. As much as possible, include supporting evidence. For example, photos, messages, or voice recordings.

So being part of a toxic relationship can interfere with mental health and reduce self-confidence. You will need time before you are ready to be in a relationship again. No need to rush. Take your time. To help you recover, do the things you enjoy. Go to a place you've been dreaming of for a long time.

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