
YOGYAKARTA Vidi Aldiano, the singer of the song Nuansa Bening, often appears electronic with clothes that combine modern suits and wastra Nusantara. Through the social upload of Instagram media, Sheila Dara's husband, let's take a peek at the following portrait of fashion Vidi Aldiano.

Wastra is a traditional cloth that describes the rich culture of the archipelago. From Sabang to Merauke, each tribe has a distinctive motif and pattern. In the portrait of Vidi Aldiano below, wastra is combined with a suit.

The outfit that Vidi wears is the fashion design of Indonesian designer, RM Radininindra Nayaka Anilasuta. The color of the suit can be seen in contrast to the soft color of a patterned finger. However, the contrast builds unique aesthetic efficacy.

The color of the suit for Vidi's clothes is above, a tone of color with a finger arranged like a belt. Wrapped a little messy but clearly the motif depicted in the wastra Nusantara cloth.

Still a fad fashion designer RM Radinindra Nayaka Anilasuta. The outfit that Vidi wears is an eclectic mix from an asymmetric suit and black pantofel shoes.

For the clothes above, not a suit, but still combining wastra cloth based on the culture of the archipelago. The majority are black, combined uniquely with monochrome luric cloth.

Vidi Aldiano wrote as the introduction to the portrait above, "It's starting to get addicted to performing with batik cloth."

Vidi's appearance seems modern despite wearing traditional cloth. Even the boss is a typical Javanese beskap. A performance that combines various styles, culture, and color, is called an eclectic style.

At the official state event in commemoration of Indonesia's 77th Independence Day this year, Vidi wore a blend of suits and wastra. During a gig, he often wears clothes with a combination of modern and traditional.

Clothing with strands of cloth up to a knee, also describes a unique style. The combination of various wastras is packaged in a modern way that creates a distinctive appearance.

Not only combined with trousers or trousers. Wastra is transformed into shorts and combined with a black metallic suit. Vidi Aldiano's electrific appearance, is often equipped with shiny black shoes.

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