
YOGYAKARTA Color swings are vision disturbances that are generally suffered from birth. This color vision deficiency condition occurs more frequently in men than in women. So, is there a way to treat color blindness?

Before answering the question, find out what color blindness is and the cause.

Lighting Color is a health disorder where the eyes are unable to see the color properly. If a person experiences color blindness, it will be difficult to distinguish certain colors such as red and green or blue and yellow, quoted by VOI from the official Ciputra Hospital website.

According to a report by the Prevention 'institution that focuses on eye health', the percentage of men experiencing color blindness has reached 8 percent. While in women only about 1 percent.

For people with color blindness, the color that is most difficult to distinguish is red and green. While other colors such as blue and yellow are less common.

Just so you know, the eyes contain nerve cells called conical cells. This cell allows the retina'a layer of light-sensitive tissue behind the eye' to see the color.

Well, conical cells are divided into three types with each reaction to red, green, and blue. If one of these conical cells is damaged, it will be difficult for a person to see the color properly. So, what are the causes of color blind diseases?

1. heredity

The majority of cases of color blindness due to derivatives of parents. Derived color blindness usually does not cause blindness or other visual impairment.

2. Caring for Certain Diseases

Color exposure can also be caused by certain diseases or injuries that occur in the retinal area. Some diseases that can cause color blindness include:

3. Consumption of Drugs

Some types of drugs that can make a person experience color blindness include:

4. Age

One of the factors that cause color blindness is age. People who are elderly (elderly) have the potential to experience color vision deficiency.

5. Exposure to Chemicals

Exposure to toxic chemicals such as sturena which is usually used in several plastic products, can also make a person experience disturbances in looking at colors.

Color exposure is included in the category of life disease. Therefore, the way to treat color blindness will be adjusted to the type of color blind suffered.

If color blindness occurs due to an illness or injury, treating the underlying causes can help restore the patient's ability to identify colors.

However, originally, there was no special medicine to treat color blindness. The doctor will advise the patient to use glasses and special contact lenses to help distinguish the color type.

In addition to using conta lenses, color blindness can also be overcome by applying certain techniques, such as memorizing the order of traffic lights from top to bottom so that there are no difficulties in distinguishing colors when on the highway.

Color blind people can also label clothes, so they can adjust the correct color color choices.

Finally, using available supporting technology, such as special applications that can detect and notify color in an object, can also reduce the difficulty of sufferers in seeing colors.

This is information about how to treat color blindness. You need to remember, the color blindness suffered by patients is the impact of certain diseases or side effects of drugs, doctors will treat these diseases or treat other drugs.

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