
YOGYAKARTA Black spots can appear on the face, chest, hands, and skin on other parts of the body. This hyperpigmentation does not disappear by itself, meaning it needs to be treated so as not to affect self-confidence. If you prefer treatment by utilizing natural ingredients, dermatologists agree that these ingredients are efficacious. Want to try the following method?

Exfoliation or exfoliation aims to remove dead skin cells that cause hyperpigmentation. With papaya, exfoliation can help fade black spots because they contain acids such as AHA (alfa-hydroxic acid). According to dermatologist Dendy Engelman, MD., FACMS, FAAD., reported by Byrdie, Wednesday, September 21, AHA is used for dry skin and reduces signs of aging and fixes the skin. The top layer that darkens can be eradicated slowly with good content in papaya.

How to use papaya for exfoliation, smooth crush of papaya. Apply on the skin as a mask and let stand for 15-20 minutes. You also need to massage the skin in a circular motion to make the exfoliation work optimally.

It has been centuries since Indians and Central Americans have used turmeric as healing. Starting from curing inflammation to launching the digestive process. The benefits of turmeric can also be for the skin, as it has been proven to inhibit the production of melanin which makes dark spots on the skin. To fade black spots with turmeric, make a mask from turmeric powder mixed with honey. You can also add lemon water as long as your skin is not sensitive.

Other skin lightening ingredients are yogurt. The consumption of this milk can help fade dark spots by peeling the skin. Like papaya, yogurt also contains acids that can break down dead skin cells. Yoghurt can be directly applied to the skin, it can also be mixed with anti-bacterial honey. Or add oatmeal for more optimal exfoliation.

After being exposed to the sun, the skin is dark or reddened. This is called photo damage due to UV rays. Breasted tomatoes, are effective in overcoming this problem because they contain lycopene, just like other fruits that are similar in color, such as guava and Balinese oranges. You can use tomatoes by making tomato paste a mask. You can also eat regular tomatoes every day.

There are so many skincare products that formulate aloe vera or aloe vera. Aloe vera is an ingredient that can help moisturize the skin, heal wounds, and improve skin health. How to take advantage of it, get aloe vera gel from the leaves and then apply it directly to the skin.

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