
YOGYAKARTA - Psychosmatic disorder is a psychological condition that involves the occurrence of physical symptoms, usually has no medical explanation. What is psikomatic?

People with these conditions may have excessive thoughts, feelings, or worries about their symptoms affecting their ability to function properly.

People with psychosomatic disorders usually don't report any real mental disorders. Instead, they believe their problems are caused by medical conditions. They tend to often visit healthcare providers for testing and treatment, often not receiving a diagnosis, which can lead to frustration and distress.

Psychosomatic disorders are sometimes called somatic symptoms disorders, somatic symptoms or somatic pain.

How common are somatic symptoms?

Somatic symptoms often occur, occurring at about 5% to 7% of the general population. For reasons that are not understood, women experience somatic pain about 10 times more often than men.

Who might have somatical symptoms?

Anyone can have somatic symptoms at any age.

Studies have found that certain things can make people more likely to have somatic symptoms:

How can psychosomatic disorders affect my body?

Psychomatic disorder can affect almost all parts of the body. A common example includes:

What causes psychosomatic symptoms?

Scientists are not sure. Some believe that stress releases hormones and chemicals in the body that cause damage or dysfunction.

What are the symptoms?

In addition to the somatic symptoms themselves (for example, pain or stomach pain), people with psychosomatic disorders often:

How was psychosomatic disorder diagnosed?

Health care providers can start diagnosing psychosomatic disorders based on:

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