
YOGYAKARTA Difficult to sleep at night, can be due to socio-environment and work stressors. According to the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition, insomnia is characterized by unsatisfactory quantity and quality sleep despite having the opportunity to sleep. Symptoms of people with insomnia are characterized by difficulty sleeping and waking up during at least three nights of sleep per week for three consecutive months.

Launching an explanation by clinical psychologist Sarah-Nicole Botan, Ph.D., B.C.B. reported by Psychology Today, Tuesday, September 20, people who sleep less than 6 hours or need more than 8 hours of sleep each night have the potential to experience metabolic inflammation. When experiencing metabolic inflammation, a person develops diabetes, obesity, heart disease and several types of cancer.

To deal with insomnia, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT-I) is recommended to overcome sleep disturbances. CBT-I combines elements of stimulus control and relaxation training. This therapy has proven to be effective in cross-age, gender identity, and cultural background. The standard CBT-I protocol includes stimulus control, sleep restrictions, methods to reduce arousal in bed, cognitive therapy techniques, and sleep hygiene.

Stimulus control is a component designed to extinguish negative relationships between beds and unwanted results. Such as maintaining, frustration, to overly worrying. This negative situation often builds a body response to maintain it. The practice is done by forming a clear positive relationship between bed, sleep, and sex.

Illustration of insomnia symptoms and insomnia treatment components (Freepik/DCS Studio)

Restrictions on sleep involve restrictions on the time in bed based on everyone's bed records. Without these sleep records, sleeping patterns are difficult to change. This second component approach is intended to increase sleep continuity by limiting the amount of time spent in bed while awake. This approach also supports stimulus control by minimizing the time spent in bed while awake.

The third component uses various relaxation techniques. Such as progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagination, biofeedback, or slow stomach breathing to reduce the somatical and cognitive state that interferes with sleep.

This cognitive therapy uses a thought distortion approach. Thoughts that are full of emotions and unhealthy behavior, are treated with this third component. The goal is to identify and change thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs to reduce negative sleep-related emotions.

This sleep hygiene teaches people with insomnia to practice a healthy lifestyle. The goal is to improve sleep quality. General factors that can affect sleep, including maintaining regular schedules, healthy eating patterns, regular exercise during the day, having a quiet sleep environment, avoiding napping too long, avoiding drinking the same caffeine, and other stimulants.

The five components above can help change your sleep. If insomnia is not resolved independently, before risking overall health, it is necessary to consult a clinical psychologist so that it can help carry out therapy.

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