
YOGYAKARTA The elements of water and fish in the interior of the house can symbolize luck, prosperity, and adequacy according to fengsui. For 'inviting' luck, you can add room decorations with aquariums, fish ponds outdoors, and paintings with pictures of fish and water. Where is the most appropriate place to put elements of water in the house? Here are the tips.

Aquarium or Xun which is understood as an area of wealth, can activate more prosperity. Fish can also be placed in a strategic location near your door to your home. Launching The Spruce, Tuesday, September 20, its purpose is to invite more wealth from the outside world into your life.

Put a large aquarium not at the exit. If you want to rearrange your room decoration, a large permanent aquarium needs to be placed in the middle of the room. The elements of water need to be placed in the middle of the house.

Traditionally, goldfish have gold in color and are connected to wealth and prosperity. Goldfish are also considered a lucky animal in Asian culture. According to ancient Chinese stories, goldfish are considered a reminder that a person can overcome great obstacles and find success.

Fengsui considers many things, including the number of fish kept indoors. In fengsui, nine is the most profitable and complete number. If possible, try to keep nine goldfish, or a triple of nine. If you don't have enough space, you can also fill the aquarium with five fish or just one. In addition to this number, choose odd numbers because it invites more energy to life. It is important to consider the balance of the size of the aquarium and the size of the room.

There are many forms of aquariums chosen, but according to fengsui each shape has meaning. The shape of a round bowl aquarium, storing metal elements connected to precise calculations and joy. For rectangular aquariums are elements of wood that develop aspects of healing and growth. While square aquariums with elements of soil that describe stability and maternity.

In addition to shape, colors also need to be considered. Natural tone colors such as chocolate, neutral, and yellow carry elements of soil that invite stability and self-care. Metal colors, such as metallic white, and gray support joy, efficiency, and end.

Want to decorate it with another color? For dark black and blue colors, it emits wisdom and a way of life. The colors of wood elements, such as green, teal, and blue can help encourage growth, kindness, and flexibility. In contrast to the color of fire, namely red, which can inspire passion, visibility, and open heart.

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