
YOGYAKARTA The choosing of the color of clothes that are not appropriate can reduce self-confidence, especially if you are the owner of mature sawo skin. Because the appearance of the owner of the tan skin will look dull and not radiant if you are not careful in choosing the color of the dress. So, what color should be avoided by tan skin?

Some Colors to Avoid Sawo Matang Skin

Owners of tan skin are very suitable when wearing earth tone colored clothes or known as earth color. Some of the colors included in the ear tone include light chocolate, cream, green, olive, light gray, and others.

These colors will make your skin look brighter and not dull. On the other hand, there are some colors that should not be avoided by tan skin.

Compiled by VOI from various sources, here are the colors that must be avoided with tan skin.

Owners of tan skin are advised not to wear clothes with yellow Dijon. This also applies to facial makeup, and hair.

This use of yellow will make your skin and clothing one. Thus, the display looks less than optimal and boring, bright yellow will help increase your aura.

Green leaf clothes can also make the owner of tan skin look darker. If you want to wear green outfits, you should choose an emerald green color or a timrud green color.

Pastel color will not work optimally on your skin. The reason is, you will look pale and shabby when worn, especially when using it as a whole on your body. Replace with a bold bright color if you really like a colorful look.

Clothings that look like blue or green are not suitable for people with tan skin. Although it looks beautiful, the turquoise color is only suitable for white or langsat yellow people.

The owner of a tan skin that wears a grquoise color will look darker.

Switch to clothes with yellow. Yellow can have a fresh, cheerful, and bright effect on your tan skin.

Wearing brown clothes can indeed make you look warmer. However, if the brown color tends to be like a combination of milk coffee, then the owner of mature sawo skin is better off avoiding this color.

The reason is that the color of coffee chocolate has almost the same color bias as the color of tan skin. This means that people who are tan skin will look less glowing if they use coffee chocolate.

If you have already bought a brown coffee shirt, the way to work around it is to wipe the red and blood lipstick color so that your makeup doesn't fail.

Not much different from pastel colors, coral-colored outfits are colors that must be avoided with tan skin.

Originally, the coral color was still 'brothered' with orange and would emit a feminine impression for the performers. However, for people with tan skin, the coral color will make them look dull and not glowing.

That's the color that must be avoided by tan skin. Choosing clothes or wearing makeup with the right color will make you look more radiant.

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