
YOGYAKARTA Apple apple juice comes from fermented apple juices that become vinegar. It is often also called vingar, which according to research can help lose weight.

Apple extract affects metabolism so that it can be included in your daily diet menu. Based on studies conducted, it shows that apple cider vinegar simply lowers the increase in blood glucose after eating. That's why it is recommended to consume after eating, so that the body does not need to produce a lot of insulin and blood glucose increases. When less insulin, according to a study reported by ScienTech Daily, Friday, September 16, the body is easier to break fats than to store them and cause weight to rise.

Apple extract also increases insulin sensitivity, so it has an effect on decreasing the waist circumference and metabolic health. When insulin sensitivity is better, you tend not to accumulate inner belly fat or called visceral fat.

Other studies also recorded good results from regular consumption of apple cider vinegar. The addition of vinegar made from apple juice in your meal menu can reduce appetite. That means it can reduce the portion you eat.

In apple cider vinegar contains acetate acid. Some references say that acetate acid is useful for increasing rest metabolism. Through a study attended by 39 people, they underwent a low-carb diet. Those who add apple cider vinegar in their diet lose more weight for 12 weeks than those who only eat the same food without apple cider vinegar.

Launching the Mayo Clinic, apple cider vinegar is not the main factor that makes the program lose weight maximal. But it should be followed by limiting processed foods, sugar, and regular exercise. Suggestions when consuming apple cider vinegar, highlight the concentration of 1.5 teaspoons in 8 ounces of water. Avoid consuming more than that dose because it can damage the enamel of teeth and irritate other fine tissue in my mind.

If you have certain conditions related to digestion and sugar in the blood, it is wisest to consult a doctor and nutritionist before consuming apple cider vinegar in your daily diet menu.

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