
YOGYAKARTA People with mental resilience are associated with the ability to overcome life's difficulties. They also always learn from experience, appreciate every experience, and always develop themselves. Mental resilience, often referred to as resilience. It correlated positively with mental health, adaptive skills, and flexible personality.

Many people do not know that a strong person is not selfish. But tend to be able to see the perspective of others when at odds with each other. That way, get positive results in life. Mental resilience is the following characteristics.

In the face of challenges and reality, not with their bare hands. This is what tough people have, which is based on facts, have good planning, and have feedback from those closest to them. When they have ammunition, they are ready for the consequences of behavior in life.

Responsible for actions, choices, and decisions is not easy you know. But for mentally resilient people, they accept all the consequences. Including pain as a result of action. Reported by Psychology Today, Thursday, September 15, people with mental resilience do not position themselves as victims by blaming others for the problems they face.

Capacity in this case is awareness of the behavior of feelings, and thoughts. When a person is always aware of the three, they know when to seek help for their problems.

According to mental health counseling practitioner banch Hutchinson, Ph.D., people who learn from their mistakes and get more positive consequences are signs of mentally resilient people. They are reliable and recognize the limitations of themselves.

It's not easy to view reality without being clouded by feelings. When emotions and feelings obscure the field in seeing reality, it's called affective reality. For tough people, they can view a reality that is not biased with feelings or distances from affective reality.

The sixth sign of a mentally resilient person relates to the spiritual aspect. Because, it takes the power to overcome a negative experience to be meaningful. Hutcheon gave an example of a win that wrote Ninth Symphony to channel his despair over his deaf ears.

This example indicates that tough people can surpass the challenges of life and be proactive in interpreting every life experience.

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