
YOGYAKARTA Cilantro is also called a corinder, often added in Mexican and Asian cuisine. Because the leaves are similar, between cilantro, celery, and parsley, it is difficult to distinguish. Compared to parsley, the size of the cilantro leaf is bigger and the color is younger. If the stems are, the two are similar. In contrast to celery, the leaf size is the largest when compared to cilantro and parsley.

About taste, cilantro feels a little sour like lemon juice. If in a fresh condition, stems to roots are also included in the concoction of dishes to enrich the taste. Celery is more often consumed raw, such as mixed in salads or sprinkled over soup to make it feel fresh. While parsley has a softer taste than cilantro or celery.

Cilantro is generally used as a garnish. In addition, it is also considered as a drug. To plant it, it's quite simple.

Cilantro or coriander leaves are rarely seen being planted at home. Many people find it difficult to plant, even though the opposite. Culantro seeds are in the form of seeds, such as two coriander seeds but are still wrapped in the skin. The skin is hard, round, and light brown or gray.

Before planting it in the ground, you need to prepare the coriander seeds to be sown so that they become sprouted. How to soak the coriander seeds for 24-48 hours and remove them from the water and let them dry.

The seeds that have been soaked in water and dried up can be sown in the planting medium specifically for percamatan. The safest and controlled, the same in the room. Enter the seeds in the soil as deep as 0.5 centimeters and cover them with the ground. Leave them to sprout as high as 10 centimeters.

After the period is germinated and ready to be moved to the ground in the yard of the house, first prepare the land. Gali the hole 7-10 centimeters apart for each sprout. Then flush thoroughly, and move the sprouts into the holes.

Cilantro can grow at a temperature of 24 degrees Celsius, reported by Gardening Know How, Tuesday, September 13. However, it prefers a cool place and is exposed to the morning or evening sun. Try to cover the cilantro planting ground or not overheating.

Because cilantro is classified as a short-lived plant, you can often trim the leaves to the stems. If it's old, pull it out with its roots and do it again so that it still has this herbal plant.

Cilantro will flower and can be stored for seeds. However, when flowering the leaves will not have a delicious taste. That is, before growing flowering, you can harvest it and leave some stems for the seeds to be picked up.

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