
JAKARTA - Are you trying a low-carb diet? So you have to limit foods such as bread, pasta, and potatoes. However, there are actually other foods that you need to pay attention to too. This is because these foods actually contain 'absorbed' carbohydrates whose levels are quite high.

That's because not all carbohydrates are created the same. Processed or simple carbohydrates such as bread or pastries, have gone through a process that removes beneficial nutrients, such as fiber. Meanwhile, carbohydrates are not pure or complex are usually processed at least, so that the fiber and nutrients remain intact.

Although complex carbohydrates are healthier than simple ones, they remain carbohydrates. So, if you are on a low-carb diet, you should pay attention to the amount consumed. Here are some high-carb foods 'absorbed'.

Often used as a breakfast menu, badminton turns out to contain high carbohydrates. Eating a piece of badminton is equivalent to consuming three to four ordinary pieces of white bargaining bread. Adding topping when eating goodminton can also exacerbate the number of calories in it.

Most people choose cereals as a practical breakfast menu. But, it's very important to be careful with the choice of cereals processed with a lot of sugar.

"People often associate cereals with healthy foods, but sweet cereals often contain more sugar than a piece of dry cake," says Dr. Lisa Young, Ph.D., RDN author of the Finally Full, Slim Finally, according to Eat This, Thursday, September 8.

In addition to having a sweet taste and lack of nutrition, making cereals a breakfast menu is the worst time because it causes a spike in sugar to rise rapidly.

In addition to food, there are also high-carb drinks, namely soda. Soda and sugary drinks are some of the worst choices of carbohydrates because they almost don't provide other nutrients other than high sugar. Because there is no fiber that can help slow sugar absorption, then if you often consume sugary drinks, it is possible for a spike in blood sugar to occur in the body.

White bread is included in processed bread, processed eating loses almost all of its nutrients and has the potential to gain weight if consumed regularly. According to a study from the British Journal of Nutrition, reducing the intake of white bread and on a Mediterranean diet can lose weight and reduce belly fat.

It is associated with increasing weight because it is one of the worst carbohydrates for the body that does not contain fiber. Due to lack of fiber, it will be difficult for you to feel full when eating pasta. If you still want to be healthy, you can consume a choice of pasta made from whole wheat, spinach, beans, or lentil beans that offer more fiber and less processed carbohydrates.

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