
JAKARTA - The Film Censorship Institute (LSF) and the Association of Indonesian Cinema Entrepreneurs (GPBSI) launched the Independent Sensor Aware Cinema and the National Independent Sensor Culture Movement so that people can sort and choose the spectacle according to their age classification.

The launch is a continuation of the joint commitment of LSF and GPBSI at the end of July 2022, to promote Independent Sensor Culture (BSM) as one of LSF's priority programs.

LSF Chairman Rommy Fibri Hardiyanto in Jakarta, Monday, September 5, said that cinema managers will be more aggressive in providing understanding and campaigning for independent censorship culture to the public.

According to him, so far the management of cinemas has implemented the principle to convey the culture of independent censorship by providing understanding to all cinema teams to convey information about age classification.

This effort is in the form of showing a telescope or some kind of show in the form of writing on the screen in the form of appeals, announcements, translation text, and so on, before screening, containing information about film titles, duration, Sensor Graduate Certificates (STLS), and age classification.

"Only, there are also many parents who may be confused because their children are still confused so that there are complaints and various incidents," he said, quoted from ANTARA.

Rommy said, therefore, through the presence of the Independent Sensor Aware Cinema, education and literacy about Choosing to Choose Watchs that are age-appropriate can be conveyed more attractively.

The Independent Sensor Aware Cinema has five campaign media, namely the Java rhino mascot, mascot standee cinema, public service advertisements (ILM) of about 20 seconds and displayed before movie shows and will be updated every six months.

LSF places the mascot cinema in the ticket purchase area in the cinema building to remind spectators of the importance of choosing age-appropriate spectacles.

In addition, there is also a poster containing an appeal and a review guide for the age of the audience will be displayed in the Independent Sensor Aware Cinema building.

On that occasion, GPBSI Chairman Djonny Syafruddin and all representatives of cinema companies present, namely Cinema XXI, CGV, and Cinepolis stated that they fully support the Mandiri Censorship National Movement (GNBSM) initiated by LSF.

"In principle, Indonesian cinemas fully support LSF, because this is a problem for our morality as well. This is the work of the Indonesian nation, maintaining morality. Let's maintain its dignity," he said.

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