
YOGYAKARTA Eye contact with strangers or with partners will certainly send different messages. When strangers look at you, there may be feelings of danger. Especially when thrown into intimidating gaze. It's different when you get a warm look at your partner, it builds comfort.

Eye contact has an important social role. Not only humans, but almost every social species that sends messages through eye gaze. Such as messages about threats, dominance, compliance, love, and much more. Reported by Psychology Today, Monday, September 4, related to eye contact, evolution also affects species of caring, butterfly, and fish with 'eye spots' stimulation to mislead and intimidate predators.

In humans, the bond with eye contact is intertwined between mother and baby. Using eye makeup is also considered an effective way to attract attention.

Usually, we look more at the opposite when listening. When we talk, we look less at the other person. But we will not feel comfortable when direct, frequent, and prolonged eye contact.

The researchers call eye contact or look at each other as non-verbal communication. This signifies that individuals who see us intend to engage in a kind of behavior that involves us. Such behavior may be liked or disliked, but for sure, other people's gazes energize us to make appropriate responses.

Eye contact also turns out to be related to heart rate. A field of research proves that those under other people's gazes will run faster and more restless. This proves that eye contact is a trigger for increased heart rate.

In the context of eye gaze related to positive behavior, it can build a positive response as well. In a study on the interviewed person, the more interviewers give praise and the interview will throw positive eye contact.

This means that, if you provide warmth or other good behavior to your partner, your partner will more often throw eye contact that makes you comfortable. In person, positive behavior and eye contact build a bond between you and your partner.

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