
YOGYAKARTA Busy working to achieve personal goals, often gets complacent and bored. Mark de Rond recommends diverting my'me' perspective to 'we'. A number of experts also suggest diverting things related to their goals to a more collaborative process.

Launching Psychology Today, Monday, September 5, work cannot be considered in vain if it has value or remains active in several ways. Even it is hoped that the process carried out will be more meaningful. This means that the improvement and boredom will not be felt if they do not lose their way.

Adam Grant in How to Stop Languishing and Start Finding Flow, calls the situation above a foggy situation. This situation is often experienced by someone who is difficult to engage with social groups, for various reasons, including busyness or a limited pandemic situation. Then the effect makes motivation disappear.

Daniel Pink in Drive: The Surfing Truth About What Motigates Us, writes that three elements are needed to grow motivation, namely autonomy, mastery, and goals. These three elements strengthen you for self-improvement, joy to grow, and satisfaction in work.

Autonomy is a desire to do something on your own. To create autonomy, you need to have people around you who believe in your abilities. They recognize you never break up despite making mistakes. When working alone, you need to regularly check and choose emotional states while working. If anxious or bored, take time to walk for 10 minutes to improve your mood before returning to work.

The element of mastery is related to learning in all situations. Success in learning, can be seen from simple things. For example, making smoothies with a perfect sense. However, in this aspect you need support and recognition of the growth of knowledge.

While the goal element, is the 'north star' that helps you choose what to do in the time allocation you have. According to Marcia Reynolds, Psy.D., the choice must be in line with what gives you a goal.

As stated in the opening, changing the perspective of me towards we will be great to help dispel boredom and independence. Doing things together with colleagues can foster value or meaning of what has been done. Because the three elements revealed by Daniel Pink don't make you more excited unless you get support and are recognized for their benefits for those around you.

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