
JAKARTA - Some people are already familiar with some fragrant flowers such as jasmine, lavender and nightly delicious. But do you know that the following types of flowers only emit a strong fragrant aroma at night.

Flowers with a fragrant smell at night are usually planted in the garden area, where you often relax with your family at night while looking at the star. Launching The Spruce, Friday, September 2, flower plants usually rely on insects, birds, or the wind during the day for pollination.

However, unlike other flowers, this flower relies on its aroma to attract insects and bats that fly at night for pollination. Here are some flower plants that emit a fragrant aroma at night.

This original South American flower has a shape resembling a white, pink, and yellow trumpet. You can plant this plant in a small pot and placed outside or indoors. The aroma of the trumpet flower will smell at night. The only trumpet flower that is not smelled is B. sanguinea, which has orange red flowers.

This flower, called Lily Asia, has blooming time between August and September. This plant will look beautiful if it is planted in a group containing 3-5 tubers. At night, the flower, which has large white petals, will emit a soothing sweet aroma.

Coming from west of the United States, this one plant attracts insects that fly at night with the aroma of their flowers. As the name suggests, the evening prime only blooms at dusk or cloudy days. White to pink flowers grow very thick in the spring to fall. Evening Primrose is a plant that is resistant to dry conditions, can grow in rocky areas, and likes sunlight.

Coming from Peru, this plant seed was sent to Europe by the Spanish explorers in the 1500s. The flower, which grew to a height of three to four feet, is preferred because it has many variations in color. Such as yellow, red, pink, and white. Flowers bloom at 4 o'clock and must be from four in the morning.

Coming from Japan, China, and Taiwan, this plant is famous for its bright green leaves and glossy white or single-scented doubles flowers. You can plant gardenia flowers in dry soil with lots of organic amendments and give space for the roots to spread.

Jasmine flowers have a strong fragrant aroma. This plant can grow propagated quickly if given good soil and regular sunlight. The flowers are white, yellow, and pink. J. sambac Melati Arab 'Grand Duke' produces double flowers used for leis in Hawaii and to make perfumes. In Asia, this species is used to make jasmine tea.

This American native plant grows as a shrub or small tree in a warmer climate. So no wonder, this flower is often found in Indonesia because the climate is suitable for the growth of Kemboja Flower. Flower colors vary from white, yellow, and pink. This sweet scented flower usually blooms from February to September.

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