
YOGYAKARTA Maybe you've asked why the skin of the feet peels, disrupting the appearance and beauty of the feet? It turns out that the cause can be triggered by various factors. To overcome this, you have to know first what caused it.

As is known, the feet are one of the important parts of the body. Not only serves as a support for the body, but as a means of your mobility. Therefore, pay attention to the health of your feet so that your appearance is maintained.

The intensity of friction in the feet turns out to be more frequent than other body parts. The friction arises when walking. In addition, the soles of the feet are also often dry due to the effects of dehydration or too harsh activity. The cause of peeling the skin is as follows.

As mentioned earlier, one of the causes of peeling the skin of the feet is dehydration or lack of body fluids. This will not only dry the feet, but trigger damage to the skin. To overcome this, you are advised to maintain body fluids by drinking enough water.

Feet often intersect directly with the floor and soil. If the cleanliness of the feet is not maintained, it will trigger fungal infection. The feet will feel itchy and the skin will peel. To prevent mold, keep your feet clean. You can use an ointment if your feet are already attacked by mold.

Foot skin can peel because the footwear used is not right, such as too narrow size or high humidity when wearing shoes for a long time. Therefore pay attention to the footwear you are using.

Feet can also change skin. This phenomenon is natural so you don't need to panic. Just apply olive oil and do a gentle massage on your feet. Do these steps regularly until the skin change process is complete.

Foot skin can be damaged when in high temperatures. For example, you walk on asphalt during the day without wearing footwear. Not only causes peeling skin, high temperatures will hurt your feet.

Dematitis contact is when the feet are in direct contact with certain substances such as determinants. Feet skin can peel when you wash clothes. Therefore, do not carelessly use detergen.

Realized or not, when you do strenuous activities will affect the damage to the skin of the feet. Heavy activities such as hiking without shoes, or playing on the beach for too long will also increase the risk of peeling the skin of the feet. Therefore, you are advised to anticipate any activity.

Don't underestimate the benefits of socks. Apart from being a fashion supporter, socks are useful to protect your feet from skin and shoe friction. In addition, it helps maintain leg moisture. Choose socks made of cotton so that sweat absorption is maximized.

Caring for your feet in the wrong way also has the potential to damage the skin. For example, you want to whiten your feet with a certain skincare. Instead of increasing the beauty of your feet, your skin actually peels and damages your appearance.

There are several ways you can do when you experience leg skin peeling. To find out, you must first know the cause. But in general, you can start diligently drinking water so that body fluids remain balanced.

In addition, use a moisturizing cream containing a dimethikone to reduce the symptoms of dry skin.

For moldy feet, choose an anti-fungal sale. You are advised to consult your dermatologist to ask why the skin is peeling off. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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