
YOGYAKARTA Antioxidants are a group of natural compounds that protect the body's cells from damage. This term is often used in the health sector of the body and the skin. For skin health, antioxidants are used topically or applied to the skin surface.

In principle, the body can produce antioxidants naturally. But most of the antioxidants can only be obtained from the foods or supplements you consume. The foods that contain the most antioxidants are fresh fruits and vegetables.

For the body's health, reported by Verywell Health, Monday, August 29, antioxidants combat free radical attacks originating from unstable molecules and loss of electrons. These molecules are created through normal body processes in digestion. These unstable molecules are also produced when you are exposed to excessive sunlight, pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke, and other infectants.

Free radicals are also responsible for creating inflammation and premature aging in the body, including the skin. While antioxidants, the opposite of free radicals. The benefits of antioxidants for beauty and skin health include the following:

Through these benefits, you need to be observant in reading the composition of products that claim to contain or are antioxidant. In more detail, here are the types of antioxidants in skincare used topically.

Most popular of the types of antioxidants, is vitamin C. This vitamin in the composition of the product is written under the label L-ascorbat acid orester-C. The function of this vitamin, among others, stimulates collagen production and fades dark spots on the skin.

Apart from being an antioxidant, vitamin E can also help heal and moisturize. You can get it in serums, morning creams, to cleaning toners.

topical feerufate acid can protect the skin from damage due to exposure to the sun. This antioxidant content, the most effective way to work when applied together with vitamin C and vitamin E topically.

Retinol is one of the most effective forms of vitamin A and can be said to be an OTC (over-the-counter) ingredient that is most effective in reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Skin care products that contain retinol are also exfoliating, namely accelerating cell turnover and smoothing the skin.

This is a type of antioxidant produced by your body. Its function can increase skin elasticity and texture. However, the Q10 koenzim will decrease naturally with age so that the skin is no longer firm and even wrinkles.

For those of you who follow the principles of clean beauty, you may recognize natural extracts that contain antioxidants. These include green tea, coffee, calendula, and rosemary. The extract of this plant is very common in skin care.

NIacinamide is also known as vitamin B3 which is useful for flattening skin color and texture and helping to fade black spots. You will find skincare that formulates niacinamide easily today. Starting from creams, lotions, serums, to moisturizers.

Resveratrol is a compound found in wine, berries, red wine, and tea. Its function is to provide skin protection from UV and anti-inflammatory rays. In addition, it can also increase collagen and elastin.

Curcumin and retinol are both included in the OTC category. Curcumin can be relatively new which is a polyphenols and is found in turmeric spices. Its function is to provide protection for inflammation and brighten the skin.

That's an explanation of the types of antioxidants used topically and the benefits of maintaining skin health. Does one of your skincare contain the types of antioxidants mentioned above?

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