
YOGYAKARTA - Dreams of meeting someone who has died must make you feel surprised when you wake up from sleep. After waking up, you must think about and wonder what the dream that had just been experienced.

Many people dream of someone who has died. Especially when the person who appears in his dream is a loved one or closest to him. Many people who feel happy can dream of those closest to them who have died. But there are also those who feel sad and afraid after experiencing the dream.

Meaning from the dream of meeting someone who has died alone has many interpretations. There is a dream that dreams are a sign of either good or a dream. But not a few also say that the dream leads to bad things.

There are various dream interpretations of people who have died according to different scientific fields, ranging from spirituality, according to primbon, to based on science.

Sleep dreams are always spiritual. Psychological and spiritual factors in the dream of meeting a deceased person are called a form of simbil. From a spiritual view, dreams of meeting someone who has died have various meanings.

Psychologically, dreaming of the closest person who has died gives a sign of regret. The reason could be because as long as the person is still alive, you don't spend much time with him. Then a sense of guilt arises in the subconscious that is not realized in the dream world.

Meanwhile, spiritually there are two interpretations about the dreams of people who have died. The first interpretation says the spirit of people who have died try to communicate again with humans. The way of communication is done is related through dreams.

While the second reason is that people who have died want to take revenge in the form of anything. Then they visit the people they mean through dreams.

There are also those who say that this dream means receiving a visit from loved ones. People who have died are usually the good spirit who visit to see the people they love to convey something.

Primbon Java has its own interpretation of the dream of meeting someone who has died. The person who has a dream is said to have received a message or message.

First, the dream of the deceased is a sign whether there will be sacrifice or help. The dream also indicates a message to be conveyed. People who appear in dreams may want to give a message to the covert.

Another interpretation of that dream is a reminder. The dream of the person who has died indicates that as long as the person is alive, you often waste his presence. In addition to other interpretations, it could be that you are feeling lonely or lonely by someone.

The dream also has other interpretations, namely asking for prayer. Primbon Java says if you dream of the same person for more than three times, it means that the person asks for prayer.

If you had dreamed of someone else, have you ever dreamed of yourself dying? This dream implies a message for you to self-introspect. So far there may be mistakes that you don't realize.

There is also a dream interpretation of people who have died in terms of science or science. According to science, dreams are the result of brain electric impulses that can attract thoughts and random images of a person's memory.

Scientists have the view that a person's dreams are closely related to those emotions of the mind. Dreaming of a person, whether already dead or not, means that you have a close relationship with that person. It can be said that the dream is an old memory.

When trying to remember memories, a feeling of regret can arise from the subconscious and a form of dreams. In addition, based on the knowledge of signs, dreams of death often sign a final symbol or settlement. Whether it's the end of a romantic relationship or work.

That was the meaning of the dream of a person who has died according to three sciences, namely spirituality, primbon, and Science. The most important thing about his dreams and interpretations is that we can take lessons. We can take the dream into motivation to improve ourselves.

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