
JAKARTA - Today, Wednesday, August 17, the people of Indonesia celebrate the 77th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia (RI). Of course, everyone has their own expectations, one of which is the Cut Mini actress.

The actress has hopes for Indonesia to develop further, from infrastructure to society.

"Obviously every year we hope that Indonesia can be better in every way, everything. Not only its development, but its people can also be better in any form," said Cut Mini in Jakarta on Tuesday, August 16.

"Moreover, he is already 77, everything should be better," he explained.

The player in the film Fat Who is Afraid thinks that the development in Jakarta has shown independence. According to him, this country has developed more than ever.

"If other people say that Indonesia is not yet independent, yes, that's their point of view. But for me, Indonesia, from those who have nothing, Jakarta, which was quiet before, has nothing, now thank God everything is there," said Cut Mini.

"Transportation is little by little and everything is provided for us. Although it is slow but it is real, the impact is good for us," he continued.

He also has hope for the millennial generation to continue Indonesia's independence. In the future, Indonesia's future will be in the hands of young people.

"The millennial generation is fun, smart, and will be a source of pride for Indonesia. Later, Indonesia will be in your hands," he said.

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