
YOGYAKARTA – The commemoration of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia is almost in sight. Flags and accessories on the streets have been installed since last week. Various competitions in the village have also been held to enliven the joy of the 17 August moment this year. In addition to various competitions, there are many types of Indonesian specialties that are identical to August 17's. What are these foods?

1. Tumpeng rice

Tumpeng rice served in commemoration of birthdays, is generally shaped into a cone. Rice is also processed with various colors. Such as yellow rice, to white rice juxtaposed with red rice as a symbol of the national flag, Red and White. Even more festive, tumpeng rice is served with a variety of side dishes. Starting from dry tempeh, fried potato chili sauce, to side dishes typical of each region in the archipelago, including rendang.

2. Red and white porridge

Just like the tumpeng which is festively decorated with the colors of red and white lauh. Red and white porridge also symbolizes the same symbol. Generally, white porridge tastes delicious. While the red one is sweeter because added sugar, both white sugar and brown sugar.

makanan khas HUT RI 17 Agustus
Illustration of typical food for the Indonesian Independence Day August 17th (Freepik/Meggy Kagam Aryanto)
3. Klepon

Klepon is one of the most popular regional foods in Indonesia. The most commonly found, green klepon. The color is processed from the essence of suji leaves. In the food, which is usually sprinkled with grated coconut, it is filled with brown sugar or palm sugar. In Serat Centini, as reported by Kompas, Monday, August 15, klepon is served during celebrations or salvation rituals by ancient Javanese people.

4. Nasi tutug oncom

Nasi tutug oncom is a typical Sundanese dish that spreads the aroma of kencur. As the name suggests, the rice that is often served on the 17th of August is a mixture of white rice and oncom. Garlic and red chilies, are also mixed in to amplify the delicious and authentic taste.

5. Look brother

The archipelago has its own peculiarities in food processing. Including in processing telok brother, a unique food originating from Palembang. Telok is a chicken egg or duck egg that is boiled with certain ingredients so as to create an abstract motif on the skin to the inside. Usually, Telok Abang is sold as a set which is arranged in a typical regional miniature, such as the Ampera Bridge.

makanan khas HUT RI 17 agustus
Illustration of typical food for the Indonesian Independence Day August 17th (Freepik/Timolina)
6. Urap

In Javanese tradition, people serve urap with tumpeng rice to celebrate birthdays or be grateful for life. Urap is also synonymous with the commemoration of the Indonesian Independence Day August 17, because its freshness is juxtaposed with the cone-shaped rice.

7. Layer cake

At first glance it looks shiny, the colored layer cake is appetizing. Usually, the colors chosen are adjusted to important moments. As in the joy of the Indonesian Independence Day, this cake made of rice flour, starch, coconut milk, and sugar is colored red and white.

8. Betutu chicken

When his name is mentioned, you will definitely remember the Island of the Gods. Betutu chicken is a typical Balinese food whose popularity is spread throughout the country. This food with a rich and spicy flavor is processed by roasting.

9. Coto Makassar

There are more than a thousand types of soto in the archipelago, one of which is coto Makassar. This soupy food is often served at joint prayer events and even annual official events.

10. Lemper

Lemper is often served in a box of snacks during certain events, such as a celebration or prayer together. Made from cooked sticky rice then filled with shredded chicken or shredded beef. In some areas, after the glutinous rice filled with abon is wrapped, it will be cooked again to get a soft texture.

Those are the ten Indonesian specialties that are synonymous with the celebration of the Republic of Indonesia's Independence Day on August 17. Have you got any cooking ideas for August 17 this year?

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