
YOGYAKARTA – Often feelings are expressed in a vague manner and are not properly understood by partners. Sometimes the statement is too intimidating or too passive to make the recipient ignore the message. Assertiveness is a way of expressing feelings in a firm, respectful manner as needed so that they are more likely to be heard.

Being or communicating assertively isn't easy for most people, says Jonice Webb, Ph.D., licensed psychologist and author. One of the most influential ways to develop assertiveness skills, in assertive communication, is to start taking your own feelings and emotional needs more seriously. Next, follow the recommendations from Webb reported by Psychology Today, Monday, August 15.

1. Be aware of feelings

Feelings need to be known and recognized. By identifying your feelings, it will be useful to be assertive. Don't vent your feelings with anger. But first calm the anger, catch your breath, then strategize to take appropriate action.

asertif dalam mengekspresikan perasaan
Assertive illustration in expressing feelings (Pexels/Pavel Danilyuk)
2. Believe that your thoughts and feelings are worth listening to

Even when you are angry, it needs to be acknowledged that you are feeling it. Tell yourself that your angry feelings are true.

3. Managing feelings

The goal of managing feelings is to express them in words. Aren't words a medium for communicating feelings in order to be heard and get the response you need? That means engaging and validating feelings internally so that you are better able to express yourself externally.

4. Try to understand other people

People who are too demanding and make no effort to understand other people, certainly do not make the problem solved. It's also important to understand that when you're upset or angry, it doesn't mean that someone else is intentionally making you feel those negative feelings. Other people also need to be understood so that in the end you are also understood by others.

5. Find the right situation to express your feelings

If you want to express something important, of course it requires preparation. As well as taking the right time. For example, if you want to discuss each other's roles in you and your partner's relationship, you need to talk about it one-on-one. Also take into account the atmosphere of a comfortable place and free time.

Communicating assertively involves a combination of several skills. This skill can be built over time. Message Webb, listen and respect your emotions. This will build a good understanding of when you need to express it.

Webb added again, emotional language is important. These include feelings of joy, sadness, and anger. The recommendation is to expand your emotional vocabulary to help understand your feelings and voice them out to others.

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