
YOGYAKARTA – The body needs sufficient fluids to produce energy. Apart from helping you stay focused. What are the effects of dehydration or lack of fluids in the body? After exercise or spending time in the hot sun usually leads to dehydration. What is felt, generally dry mouth, thirst, tired, and even dizzy. Well, without realizing it, there are many activities that make the fluids in the body drop and you don't compensate by drinking enough mineral water. This is an activity that you need to know and need to be balanced with drinking enough water so as not to be dehydrated.

1. Wake up immediately exercise

Before exercising after waking up, make sure you drink water first. The reason is, while sleeping, it is less likely to keep sipping water. So, after waking up, you will feel thirsty. If you do some light exercise afterwards, then just drink a few sips after waking up. Different amounts if the exercise is hard in hot weather conditions with high humidity.

According to Ryan Andrews, RD., a nutritionist reported by The Health, Monday, August 15, drink one to two glasses of water 30 to 60 minutes before going outside. This time gives the body a chance to absorb electrolytes. After exercising, you can drink enough with carbohydrate and protein foods.

hal yang membuat cepat dehidrasi
Illustration of things that make dehydration fast (Unsplash/Apirgraphy_)
2. Sick or fever

When you have a fever, your body temperature is higher, so you need to drink more water to reduce the risk of dehydration. If you don't like to drink a lot of water, you can eat soup with a little salt added to bind fluids in the body.

3. Take diuretic pills

A person with high blood pressure may be prescribed a diuretic which aims to lower blood pressure by helping the body excrete sodium. The effect causes water loss by increasing urination.

When you are dehydrated, your blood will be thicker. As a result, it is more difficult for the heart to pump blood. Therefore, talk to your doctor about the drugs you are taking and their dehydrating effects. Maybe your doctor will recommend increasing your potassium intake through the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

4. Drink lots of caffeinated drinks

Caffeine doesn't actually dehydrate you as long as you drink it in moderate amounts. The extra fluid it supplies offsets any diuretic effect for caffeine. But when you drink large amounts of caffeine and exercise afterward, it can lead to dehydration. In a day, doctors recommend not drinking caffeine drinks more than 300-375 mg of caffeine per day.

5. Not adapting to the weather

Naturally, the desire to drink water when the weather is hot will increase. At 15 degrees Celsius, a very active person needs 4 liters of water. To calculate your body's fluid requirements, you can calculate your weight in pounds and divide by two. The result is the number of ounces of water you need.

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