
YOGYAKARTA – Many cat lovers are curious about what their anabul thinks when their activities are just eating, lying down, and playing. There is not much activity for cats throughout the day. In addition to meeting their needs for sleeping and being pampered, cats also often go around the house as if to maintain the security of their area.

According to studies on cat cognition, much needs to be learned about the cat's mind. A number of studies have explored cat behavior and cognition, including memory. It turns out that they, anabul, also build social bonds with humans. Launching The Spruce Pets, Wednesday, August 10, cats can feel comfortable with their human families. This is characterized by body language, for example responding to calls from the voice of the owner rather than a stranger. Cats also show concern about something new.

John Bradshaw, author of Cat Sense: How the New Feline Science Can Make You a Better Friend to Your Pet, suggests that cats may perceive humans as clumsy and too big. Cat-human interactions are indistinguishable from interactions with fellow cats. For example, a cat will walk toward its owner with its tail straight up and rubbing against its paws. This is exactly what they do to other cats. Sometimes cats even lick their owner's feet or hands.

apa yang dipikirkan kucing
Illustration of what a cat is thinking (Unsplash/Milada Vigerova)

Unfortunately, what the cat thinks is not known for certain. But it can be identified by reading his facial expressions. In addition, recognize what he is thinking through his body language. This is a bit easier than reading facial expressions because a cat's posture and body movements can tell a lot about what's going on inside a cat's head.

For example, a cat who feels calm has a relaxed body. The mustache is relaxed and the eyes appear smaller. Signs that the cat is mildly stressed, head is turned, body is leaning or squatting on the ground, whiskers sticking out forward, and slightly dilated pupils.

In addition, when stressed, the cat's ears turn back or fold flat against the head, the tail is low, the hair and tail stand up, the pupils are wide open. If your cat is frightened and aggressive, it may make hissing sounds, growl, and even smack with its paws.

It can be fun for cat owners to imagine what their kittens think when lying in the shade when the sun is at its best. Of course, to dive into his mind the things that could be a clue are his facial expressions and body language.

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