
JAKARTA - The right skills and knowledge need to be learned by parents in raising children. If you want children to be successful, it is necessary to instill a mindset of success in children. It's the same if you want him to grow as a pleasant person.

In terms of achieving success, no doubt parents teach their children to be able to compete with others. In fact, the most important aspect that needs to be built in your child is his self-defeating skills.

VOI, launched the Times of India, summarizes the parenting patterns that parents need to instill in their children according to age. To create a generation that is successful and grows up happily.

Born to 8 years old

From birth to 8 years old, you need to treat them with love. Show your love for children. It's okay to be a little pampered. Teach them basic life skills that are important for the future. And don't forget, make him feel valuable and loved.

9 to 12 years old

At this age, parents need to do the best for their child's life. As much as possible, avoid everything that causes children to fall into things that are not appropriate. This is also the age when parents need to involve their children in solving common problems.

If you and your partner argue in front of your child, you and your partner should also apologize to each other in front of your child. So he knows that there is always a way out for every debate. Ages 9 to 12 years is a time when they are very impressionable. For that, parents need to behave well and be the right example for their little ones.

12 to 16 years old

This is the age when you need to be tough on your child. Set boundaries and rules. If necessary, make a win-win agreement with the child. Provide a condition that if he doesn't do what he promised, then he can't get what he wants.

Teach children to try extra hard to achieve goals. Don't forget to involve him in decision making. Create a theoretical problem and ask him to come up with a possible solution. Provide guidance if you feel there is a better way to solve the problem.

After 16 years

This is the stage and age where children will find it difficult to listen to the words and advice of parents if you behave harshly with them. For that, the only way to stay close to the child is to become a friend to him. This is the only way to ensure that he will listen to you. After 16 years, children will act instinctively, based on their life experiences so far.

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