
YOGYAKARTA – The days are busy with chasing time and paying off the plans that have been prepared, do you have time to enjoy your free time by lazing around? Turns out, being lazy can't be taken lightly.

Sometimes, fighting laziness is so difficult that many tasks are delayed. The urge to always be productive, makes us slaves of time. To the extent that free time is limited and even do not have free time because of unlimited work. However, slacking off free time has benefits for our brains, according to Nigel Barber, Ph.D., evolutionary psychologist and author of Why Parents Matter and The Science of Romance.

When busy, our brains don't necessarily do much. On the other hand, when we rest and engage in some seemingly meaningless activity, the brain never takes a break to solve problems. According to Barber, the problem-solving part of the brain is more active when we daydream.

Barber says that 'subconscious thinking' actually enhances decision making. During this period, areas of the brain are just as active when they are awake. Even outside of consciousness, the brain works steadily. This is a neuroscientist finding that shows that we have more creative potential if we lead a relaxed life than if we are constantly busy and in a hurry.

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Illustration of spending free time by lazing associated with creativity and productivity (Unsplash/Katie Barret)

Even more amazing, the findings show that creative people need free time. When they are daydreaming, new ideas and products emerge. One way to achieve inner calm, which is daydreaming, is to withdraw from other people. Perhaps this is why introverts play such a big role in creativity. That's not to say that social interaction doesn't play a role. Interaction helps to encourage and in the collaborative aspect.

Enjoying lazing time can be adjusted to the preferences of each person. If you prefer to be at home, lying down with your family or alone on the balcony enjoying the breeze, you can do it. Another way, Barber calls can laze in the 'third room'. The third room is a space other than home and work, such as cafes, public spaces, and vacation destinations. With colleagues or collaborators in the 'third room', you can share creative ideas or promote ideas.

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