
JAKARTA - Family psychologist from the University of Indonesia Irma Gustiana Andriani advises parents not to provide technological gadgets such as tablets, smart phones, and televisions during their child's mealtime.

"Nowadays, many children let their children eat while watching (shows) on gadgets. This affects children who do not absorb the flavors that enter their mouths, because the focus is on the screen," explained Irma quoting ANTARA, Saturday, August 6.

According to Irma, it is important for children to really process in recognizing and remembering the taste of food or drink that enters their body.

"So, when it's time to eat, just eat. Because, if it's done with other activities such as watching on gadgets, children can't remember the taste and texture, and this will affect their eating patterns in the future," he said.

Furthermore, Irma said that eating activities have an influence on a person's psyche. He explained, eating behavior is a person's views and actions towards food that are influenced by perception. Not infrequently parents also find it difficult to feed their children.

Irma said, there was an emotional conflict that was formed when it was time to eat (emotional feeding conflict). This makes eating unpleasant and can lead to eating disorders in adulthood.

"There is a psychic war between the one who feeds and the child when this process occurs. Mealtime can be an unpleasant situation. Children refuse to eat, mothers are frustrated, and comparisons arise, considering that today's parents are also learning parenting through social media," explained Irma.

"In addition to creating a burden for parents, it can make the relationship between parents and children less harmonious, it can cause trauma, and the child's nutritional status becomes less," continued the founder of the Psychological Clinic.

Therefore, it is important for mothers and fathers to participate in understanding the psychology of each and the child, and involve children directly so that the eating process becomes warmer and more enjoyable.

"As a parent, you can start by understanding the development and needs of children, involving children when shopping, discussing menus or making daily menus, inviting them to prepare food preparations, giving small responsibilities during the preparation or cooking process, making food with an evocative taste. taste," said Irma.

"In addition, make a regular eating schedule, eat with family, encourage children to eat independently according to their developmental age and ability, and set an example of proper eating behavior," he added.

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