
JAKARTA - Habbatusauda or black cumin is one type of grain that is widely used to maintain health, even for Muslims, the herb has been declared as a cure for all diseases according to the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Traditional Medicine and Herbal Medicine Development Doctors (PDPOTJI), Dr. (Cand.) dr. Ingrid Tania, M.Si (Herbal) as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, August 6, said the use of herbal ingredients to help maintain a healthy body is relatively safer. However, he also noted that the use of herbs, including Black Seed, should also be at the recommended dose and not excessive.

“Although this black cumin seed herb has many benefits for the body, the dosage and how to consume it must still be considered. It will be safer if it is consumed in measured doses, for example in the form of supplement preparations," said Ingrid.

Check out some of the benefits of Black Seed for the health of the body from medical glasses.

Cure various diseases and increase milk production

A study published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine in 2013 said that Black Seed is widely used in the treatment of various diseases such as bronchitis, asthma, diarrhea, rheumatism and skin disorders.

For breastfeeding mothers, Black Seed also has the benefit of increasing milk production. The content of thymoquinone (TQ) in Black Seed makes this black grain rich in benefits. In addition to TQ, other ingredients also include 20-85 percent protein, 38.20 percent fat, 7-94 percent fiber, and 31.94 percent carbohydrates.

Solve skin problems

A study in the journal Hindawi in 2017 stated that Black Seed has benefits for treating various dermatological and anti-inflammatory problems ranging from acne to burns.

In a study conducted on 62 respondents, patients who had acne and used Black Seed lotion as a therapy showed a better cure rate in their skin inflammation.

Can be consumed for pregnancy program

Black Seed is good for consumption for pregnancy programs. This black cumin has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that are good for fertility and promil success. This is in line with a study published in the journal ScienceDirect in 2014 which explained that Black Seed can improve the quality of sperm in men diagnosed with infertility.

Help lose weight

For those who want to lose weight, consuming Black Seed oil can help reduce obesity, metabolic syndrome, or type 2 diabetes. Research in the journal Food & Function in 2015 showed that by following a low-calorie diet and consuming 1 gram of Black Seed oil per meal, women experienced a significant reduction in body weight and waist circumference. The study involved 90 women aged 25-50 years who are obese.

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