
YOGYAKARTA – White rice is a staple food in many cultures. This staple food contains 41.1 grams of carbohydrates in one serving or 1 cup. A study in women with diabetes suggested eating white rice at room temperature instead of steaming warm because it lowers blood sugar spikes after meals. From this study, it means that white rice can be eaten healthily if the right method, portion, accompanied by a balancing menu, and meal time.

As a staple food, white rice is consumed by 60 percent of the world's population, reported Healthline, Monday, August 1. Rice is produced in the Asia-Pacific region which also helps turn the wheels of the economy. When compared to brown rice, white rice does offer fewer nutrients. However, white rice is preferred because it cooks faster with a softer texture, is richer in the B vitamin niacin, and is more economical.

Although there are pros and cons to the nutritional benefits and risks of eating too much white rice, this can be overcome with a number of tricks. What should be considered in order to stay healthy by eating white rice? Here are the tips.

1. Balance with peas and chickpeas

When peas and chickpeas are paired with rice, including white rice, a complete protein is formed. Complete proteins are proteins that provide adequate amounts of the nine essential amino acids. For those of you who follow a vegetarian diet, you can eat white rice in this healthy way. If you eat animal foods, you can complement the composition of peas and beans with a little fish or meat.

cara sehat makan nasi putih
Illustration of healthy way to eat white rice (iStockphoto)
2. Use the MyPlate method

A healthy way to eat white rice, you can use the MyPlate method recommended by the USDA. The trick is to divide the plate into two. One part is divided back into two, one of the smallest parts is white rice. The second smallest portion for meat and other food sources that contain protein. The larger half, fill with non-starchy vegetables and fruit.

3. Turn it into vegetable porridge

In Spain, vegetable porridge is called vegetable rice. When you include peas, beans, carrots, spinach, and pumpkin in rice porridge, you can make up for the lower fiber content of white rice with these types of vegetables. These vegetables are also rich in nutrients, such as calcium, vitamin C, iron, and folate that support lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

4. Fish side dish

Eating fish at least twice a week is associated with benefits for heart, nerve and liver health. In addition, fish is a source of protein, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory. In order to eat white rice stay healthy, you can complete the fish menu twice a week. Selected fish that are high in omega-3, one of which is tuna. Don't forget to add non-starchy, high-fiber fresh vegetables to promote health.

5. White rice is cooked the right way

A study presented at the American Chemical Society of Denver showed that the way rice is cooked determines its effect on the body. Researchers from the ACS and the University of Southern California, noted that a grain of rice contains two types of starch, namely digestible starch, which in turn removes and/or accumulates a lot of glucose in the body's system. As well as starch that cannot be digested, and only passes through the digestive system.

Rice can be processed to change the composition of digestible starch into resistant starch. First, add a teaspoon of coconut oil in a pot of boiling water. Add white rice and cook until the rice is cooked. Once cooked, put the rice in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, simply reheat the rice if you are going to eat it.

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