JAKARTA - Nikita Mirzani is known to have left the country on Wednesday, July 27. His departure made netizens wonder because his status is still a suspect in a defamation case.
Apparently, Nikita's departure has been confirmed by her lawyer, through an official letter sent to the investigators of the Satreskrim Polresta Serkot. In the letter, it was explained that NM went abroad to do a health check.
"The lawyer has written to investigators that his client, NM, went abroad to check his health," said Head of Public Relations of the Serkot Police, AKP Iwan Sumantri in a release received by VOI, Thursday, July 28.
NM has undergone mandatory reporting for the first time on Tuesday, July 26 2022 at 19.30 WIB by visiting the Satreskrim Polresta Serkot. So that NM is not absent from the ongoing process.
"NM has faced investigators for the first mandatory report last Tuesday," he said.
AKP Iwan Sumantri explained that the police had not yet issued a ban, because they believed that NM would cooperate with the legal process, as had been promised by his lawyer some time ago.
"So far, the Serkot Police have not issued a ban letter against NM. So he can still travel abroad," he said.
Even though NM is going abroad to have his health checked and not issued a ban, the Satreskrim Polresta Serkot continues to carry out the examination and investigation process in a professional and transparent manner.
"The investigation or examination process for suspect NM continues, while completing the case file," he explained.
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