
JAKARTA - The first divorce trial between Nathalie Holscher and Sule was held today, Wednesday, July 20 at the Cikarang Religious Court. Both were present in the first agenda of the trial.

Today's agenda is the mediation of both parties. The lawyers who represented the two were also present on this occasion.

After the mediation activity was over, Nathalie Holscher and Sule greeted each other. Nathalie seemed to stand up first and approached Sule while shaking hands.

Nathalie's hand also touched Sule's shoulder while laughing with his lawyer, Bahuni. However, Nathalie couldn't hide her awkwardness with Sule. Moreover, the mother of Adzam no longer kisses Sule's hand.

Sule also answered the development of his divorce lawsuit with Nathalie Holscher. He admitted that there had been no results from the mediation.

"Not yet. Healthy, everyone is healthy, "said Sule briefly as he left the building on the same day.

Previously, Bahuni said Sule was absent from the divorce trial. But surprisingly Sule came to PA Cikarang.

"Kang Sule wants to live in peace, have a family, sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah," said Bahyuni.

Sule's party is trying to keep his client from divorcing Nathalie Holscher. However, it all depends on the divorce process.

"Yes, we are looking for the best from both sides. Yes, I think that effort will still be made and then what will the result be, "he explained.

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